[FilterScript] songs system

I want a songs system in which I can put my songs to it

When they join the server the songs start playing and automatically the song starts after each one

If there is any fs like this?

Please help..

I'll script it for you!

#include zcmd
#include Dini
#include streamer
#include foreach

#define DIALOG_SONG 1487

#define MAX_SONGS           1


public OnPlayerConnect (playerid)

if(dini_Int(File,"UseSong") == 1) PlaySong(playerid,random(MAX_SONGS));


stock PlaySong(playerid,songid)
	if(dini_Int(File,"UseSong") == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Songs have been disabled by an admin!");
	    case 0:PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid,"http://dimi-sa-mp.weebly.com/uploads/7/0/2/3/7023626/christmas_songs_-_we_wish_you_a_merry_chrismas.mp3",0.0,0.0,0.0,350.0,0);
	    default: return 1;
	return 1;
If you want to add another song, just add case 1,and so.

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