ChangeName Of player


im using luxadmin, I noticed that Too many people got kicked cuz of Wrong Passwords, so i want to make in the dialog
"Login","Change Name" , so player can change his name how to make that ?
Register and login Dialogs
	if(ServerInfo[MustLogin] == 1 && AccInfo[playerid][Registered] == 1 && AccInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == 0)
		#if USE_DIALOGS == true
		new lstring[400];
		format(lstring,400,"{FFFFFF}Welcome back to {6EF83C}xXx Stunt Paradise Awesome™, {FFFFFF}This Account {FF0000}' %s ' {FFFFFF}is Already Registered! login to access your account:",pName(playerid));
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOGID+67,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Login Account",lstring,"Login","Quit");
		return 1;
	if(AccInfo[playerid][Registered] == 0 && ServerInfo[MustRegister] == 1)
		#if USE_DIALOGS == true
		new rstring[380];
		format(rstring,380,"Welcome '%s',You'r Account is not registred!\n Why Do i have to register??:-\n{6EF83C}- To Save Your Stats in server Like money and score!\n - To be sure that no one will use your account!\n{00FFFF}Enter the password to Register your Account, Don't type you'r name as password!:",pName(playerid));
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOGID+66,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Register Account",rstring,"Register","Guest");
		return 1;
 	return 1;
	if (dialogid == DIALOGID+68)
 		if(response == 0)
			Kick(playerid); must be changed
			if (strlen(inputtext) < 4 || strlen(inputtext) > 20)
				new rstring[256];
				format(rstring,256,"Sorry %s\n\nThe length of your password should contain more \nthan 3 characters and less than 20 characters! \n\n Please, re-enter the Password:",pName(playerid));
				return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOGID+68,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Register Error!",rstring,"Register","Quit");

Show me your login & register dialogs please. (Are you trying to make him register new account through changing his name ?).
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bbump help ?

Did you checked my post above ?
Originally Posted by SilentSoul
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Show me your login & register dialogs please. (Are you trying to make him register new account through changing his name ?).

Yes, I failed to make new register

No , i mean your current login and register system (that lux admin using).

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