Player Death bug related to vehicles

So,I was trying to make my speedometer hide when a player leaves the vehicle he's driving,but I noticed it doesnt disappear when player dies.I was wondering what could be the problem,and was trying to fix it for days,when I noticed that what causes it is that when player dies and is sent to class selection,he actually remains in the vehicle he died in.I made a simple command to check player's vehicle ID at any moment,and the result was that when I died,and checked my vehicle ID in class selection,it was the same as the vehicle I died in.I guess this is similar to the kick/ban bug that doesnt send the reason message to the kicked/banned player,because player remains in the vehicle even when I add RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid); in my /kill,/reclass cmds,and in OnPlayerDeath.Below is a video I made to describe the bug.Also if this bug has already been reported,please forgive me.

Here is the command in case someone else wanna test this bug
pawn Код:
    new vehicleid,Msg[128];

    vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
    format(Msg,128,"Your vehicle id is %i",vehicleid);

    return 1;

Looks like an authentic bug, can you try putting this in OnPlayerDeath() - RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid);

I already tried that,result is the same.Anyway I will try it again.But also just to let you know that I know some servers that somehow have fixed that,may be this bug is known for a long time but not reported.

EDIT:I checked my script and I already have RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid); in OnPlayerDeath(),so obviously it doesnt fix it.If someone has a fix please share.

Just tested by using this code:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
	SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You died");

    return 1;
The message was sent even when killing myself when inside a vehicle.
And using your command (vid) in class-selection after killing myself inside a vehicle kept saying I was still inside a vehicle.

This seems to be a samp bug.
See my topic of PPC Trucking V1 (
Even after putting in a check in the UpdatePlayerTextDraws function and removing the player from his vehicle, the server still thinks you are inside a vehicle even when your character is standing at class-selection.

As I said even putting RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid); in all possible places,SAMP still detects the player being in the vehicle.I wonder how some servers manage to fix it.

You could always make a variable...

pawn Код:
#define IsPlayerDead(%0) PlayerIsDead[%0]
new bool:PlayerIsDead[MAX_PLAYERS];

OnPlayerDeath - PlayerIsDead[playerid] = true;
OnPlayerSpawn - PlayerIsDead[playerid] = false;
OnPlayerDisconnect - PlayerIsDead[playerid] = false;
If the player then they can't be in a vehicle pretty simple.

I'm hiding my speedometer using OnPlayerStateChange callback.
For every state, the speedo is hidden or shown when needed.

Class-selection after entering the server is State 0 (PLAYER_STATE_NONE).
Class-selection after respawning and re-entering class selection = 7 (PLAYER_STATE_WASTED).
For both cases, the speedo is hidden.

PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT also hides the speedo (to hide it when you exit the vehicle, either from the driver-seat as well from a passenger seat).

That's how I fixed it.

Previously, I used the globalspeedotimer function to hide/show the speedo based on being a vehicle.
But displaying it twice every second when it's already displayed was a waste of resources and possibly bandwidth.
That's why I re-made it to use OnPlayerStateChange.
If you state doesn't change, there is no need to hide/show your textdraws twice every second when it's already hidden/shown respectively.

Now it doesn't matter if you're inside a vehicle or not, because the script isn't using your vehicleid anymore to determine if the speedo should be displayed or hidden solely based on that.
It's only checking your state.

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