Class Selection Camera

Hello, Ive got a little problem regarding my class selection

my code
pawn Code:
InterpolateCameraPos(playerid, 1467.488403, -1620.849975, 43.885395, 1481.209350, -1758.466552, 19.101547, 8000);
InterpolateCameraLookAt(playerid, 1468.074707, -1625.690917, 42.779933, 1481.169799, -1763.463745, 18.939575, 8000);
The problem is, whenever i change my skin(click the next arrow) in the class selection, my camera movement starts from the start again, i want to to be at the same spot and only the skin to change when we click the arrow.

Thanks in advance.

why not put that camera movement stuff in side an if statement?

for example, the player connects to your server, you set some var "firstrun = 1" after your camera stuff (or use some already existing var temporary for just that purpose which is more resource friendly)

and once disconnected or spawned, you set it to 0

should look like

PHP Code:
if(firstrun[playerid] == 1)
InterpolateCameraPos(playerid1467.488403, -1620.84997543.8853951481.209350, -1758.46655219.1015478000);
InterpolateCameraLookAt(playerid1468.074707, -1625.69091742.7799331481.169799, -1763.46374518.9395758000);

ya, well, something like that maybe
you mainly just need 2 make sure that these camera movements take place just once

^ ye, i dont know how to make the camera move once only.

PHP Code:
new firstrun[MAX_PLAYERS];//some global var
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
firstrun[playerid] = 1;
return 1;
//do your camera stuff here
firstrun[playerid] = 0;
return 1;

and when some1 want to change his class, you just set firstrun to 1 for that playerid
but thats just a workaround though... you could also do something else but i can't remember, sorry
i paused samp 'n scripting for like 6 months i remember most of the stuff but not everything :/

It Worked!, thanks


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