Segmentation Fault

When I type command nohup ./samp03svr& and press enter
It gives following error and the server doesnt starts
  1. login as: root
  2. root@*.***.***.***'s password:
  3. Last login: Sat Dec 21 07:38:00 2013 from ***.***.***
  4. [root@SA-MP ~]# cd samp03
  5. [root@SA-MP samp03]# nohup ./samp03svr&
  6. [1] 1100
  7. [root@SA-MP samp03]# nohup: appending output to `nohup.out'
  8. [1]+ Segmentation fault nohup ./samp03svr
  9. [root@SA-MP samp03]#
  10. [root@SA-MP samp03]# nohup ./samp03svr&
  11. [1] 1117
  12. [root@SA-MP samp03]# nohup: appending output to `nohup.out'
  13. [1]+ Segmentation fault nohup ./samp03svr
  14. [root@SA-MP samp03]#
  15. [root@SA-MP samp03]#
No logs are created !

Try to start your server with a different command:
screen -d -m -S SAMPSERVERNAME samp03svr

Now, I am not getting the error but the server still isn't started or have created any logs!

Check this topic, there might be a solution in here.

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