Looking for Online registation

Dose anyone know of a webpage i could download, Which allows you to sign up, to the server via the website. E.g a addition to the UCP. Therefore people can register via my website instead of IG

open game panel

Not what i meant.

I was meaning, A system which the public use, to create a account to join my server. SO instead of registering IG you register on my website.


I mean like the one on www.sa-mp.im

You'll need your user / register system to be saving in MySQL before you could make a web register and such.

Do it yourself. If you made the registration on the server yourself, and know a little bit of php, there is almst no difference between ingame and website registration.
As the registration is very gamemode-specific, you probably wont find a "download, install and ready-to-use" code for that, but rather tutorials how to do it for YOUR server.

Can you script in PhP? If you can can you PM me and we could work something out?

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