Pawno Updates?

Has there been any updates for Pawno recently?

Nope, and I think you mean the PAWN language. Pawno is just the editor!

Anyways, if it happens, it will break most scripts. For example, some libraries depend on #emit and compiler tricks to work (YSI), the new update would entirely break those scripts and I don't think he would want to rewrite it all!

Yes, the latest version is 4.0.4733 but is not supported by SA:MP.

Yeah I meant the Pawno editor, not the script

The compiler has been edited to work with SA-MP. You could try a new compiler but I doubt it'd work properly, if at all.

Yeah, I just wanted to know if it had been updated at all.

Also, how do I get it to run the server when I click Compile/Run?

Add the gamemode to the configuration file of the server.

Originally Posted by Vince
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The compiler has been edited to work with SA-MP. You could try a new compiler but I doubt it'd work properly, if at all.
Why has it been edited actually to work with samp? Why hasn't samp been edited to work with the compiler. I mean Kalcor new that he want to use pawn for samp when he started to creating it isnt it?

No not like that Forrest. The server runs fine, I want to run the server from the Pawno compiler when I click Compile/Run, otherwise it just does exactly the same thing as the Compile option.

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