Pickup problem

Hello, I'm normally good at scripting, but I really can't solve this.

In fact I'm creating 2 pickups. 1 for Interior enter and 1 for Exit. The Exit Pickup works fine, but other one doesn't appear. So, it's not there.

Here's the script
pawn Код:
LIL_PROBE_[0] = CreatePickup(19135, 23, -89.562698, 1378.188720, 10.469839, 0); // ENTER PICKUP
I'm also in virtualworld 0.

This one works fine.
pawn Код:
LIL_PROBE_[1] = CreatePickup(19135, 23, -229.246292, 1401.203979, 27.765625, 1001); // EXIT PICKUP

First of all there are 22 PickupTypes not 23, also try setting the enter pickup virtual world as -1

Try this
pawn Код:
new LIL_PROBE_[2];

LIL_PROBE_[0] = CreatePickup(19135, 2, -89.562698, 1378.188720, 10.469839, -1);
LIL_PROBE_[1] = CreatePickup(19135, 2, -229.246292, 1401.203979, 27.765625, 1001);

We had earlier the type 23, but it's not now here. Noticed yet.

I tried -1 many times, but still don't work. (Tried with type 2)

Okay, I found the cause of this. In fact only the last created pickup works in script.

I changed the position.
pawn Код:
LIL_PROBE_[1] = CreatePickup(19135, 23, -229.294967, 1401.169555, 27.765625, -1); // EXIT PICKUP
LIL_PROBE_[0] = CreatePickup(19135, 23, -89.568000, 1378.237426, 10.469839, -1); // ENTER PICKUP
Now the Enter works, but not exit.

i had a problem like this try creating random pickup at 0 0 0 0 ? then test the enter / exit
"" you have now 3 pickups ""

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