Dynamic 3D text labels - Mix

I have like 400 labels on server and they are all dynamic and I have some kind of bug, the labels mix.

For example. On the house label it shows the speed camera label.

Make sure you delete the previous one when you are created another one

Any coding would be nice to.

search your code for the loops which include text labels. I had one array for 10 ATMs and only 7 fields where used, but my loop went through 10 fields, and my labels were messed up.

Only loops are house and biz labels, but it only creates for existing houses and bizes. No error in any of them :/

Show us some codes or ss's

I have like 400 labels, not goin to put 400 lines of codes here ^^

But ex.

HouseLabel[extraid] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(stringhouse, 0x008080FF, Houses[extraid][EntX], Houses[extraid][EntY], Houses[extraid][EntZ], 15, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, -1, -1, -1, 100.0);

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