25.11.2013, 23:06
Last edited by Spydah; 18/03/2014 at 09:56 AM.
Basic Roleplay Gamemode
By Spydah from Scratch
Not being developed anymore
This Gamemode is Located in El Quabrados
Well, firstly I wan't to say, thank you for looking at this thread, I've worked a long time on this and this is my first gamemode from scratch.By Spydah from Scratch
Not being developed anymore
This Gamemode is Located in El Quabrados
I've started my scripting career with editing existing scripts to learn and learn, these days I still look at tutorials and other scripts to fix bugs and get ideas for mine.
Once again, Thank you!

First Steps:
- Place the gamemode and scriptfiles in your server map.
- Edit the Gamemode line at server.cfg in your server map.
- Start the server and register.
Go to Accounts in your scriptfiles folder.
Click on your name and set AdminLevel to 5.
Several General Roleplay Commands.
Admin System
Faction System 10% Completed.
Gang System 1% Completed.
DMV System.
PD/DMV Cars.
Register and Login in a Dialog.
Save system
Some nice mappings in town.
What does it save?:
Password, FullyRegistered, Age, Gender, LastSkin, Money, Car License, Health, Armour, LastIP , AdminLevel, Banned, TimesKicked, TimesBanned, LastX, LastY, LastZ, LastA.
Normal Player Commands:
/me, /do, /b, (/s)hout, (/w)hisper, /help, /admins, /getlic, /stats, /accept (gang/faction).
Admin Level 1: /kick, /ban, /goto, /setvirtualworld. Admin Level 2: /get. Admin Level 3: /gotopos. Admin Level 4: /makegangleader, /makeleader, /resetgang. Admin Level 5: /makeadmin, /gmx, /set.
- Moderator
- Administrator
- Administrator
- Head Administrator
- Management
- Faction System.
- Faction Commands (ALL)
- HQ's/duty points.
- Gang System
- Leader Editing System.
- Gang Commands (ALL)
- Bank System.
- ID system.
- Phone System.
/gmx is bugged, won't save the player's data.
If you found anymore bugs, go to www.spydahsgm.tk and report it.
Do you have suggestions? Go to www.spydahsgm.tk and create one!

****** for his impressive sscanf, Y_INI and foreach.
ZeeX for his ZCMD.
Spydah for the gamemode creation.