Hi I Need Help With My Server

The Problem Is :
1- My Friends Can't Join To My Server
2- I Can't Even Find It In Internet Menu
3- I Go To
"Game-state" To Make A Banner But It Says (Offline)
================================================== ============================
MY Works :
1- I Download Sa-Mp 0.3x With Windows Server 0.3x
2- I Install Them In Right PLaces
3- I Made My Own Ip And Port Plus I Forward It
4- I Edit Server.Cfg And It Looks Like :


echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 1
rcon_password blahblah
maxplayers 50
port 9040
hostname blahblah
gamemode0 blahblah 1
filterscripts blahblah
announce 1
query 1
chatlogging 0
weburl None
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 0
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
plugins sscanf
mapname blahblah

My Server Is Home Server Can My Friends In Far Countries Join ?
In My Country My 2 Friends Can't Join Why ?
What Should I Do ?

Please And Thanks

Have you forwarded your ports? If not, Go to portforward.com and open your ports first.
Then go to whatsmyip.org and give your friends the IP that it shows.

If you wan't your server to be 24/7. Buy a host,vps.

You must port forward your server. Go to and enter username and pass: Both will be admin admin if u necer changed them. then search on internet how to port forward

lol Read Well... I Forward It
I Make Ip For Public Server To Give It To People : "meedo.dyndns.info:9040 And Changed My Router Ip Just In My Computer : "" Then ?
And Rockstar128 Is Your Server Is 24/7 ?

I would rather buy a host....this way if i get attacked my Internet won't be slowed down, but i will be getting ddoss protection, your very limited when it comes to Home hosting, i recommend getting a host my friend

Ahhh for now i didn't get what i want

You don't have a gamemode specified under gamemode0, neither any filterscripts. It needs to look like this:

gamemode grandlarc
filterscripts time admin

etc, etc. Depending on what gamemode you have and what filterscripts.

If the server is running and others cannot connect through your IP, then there's problem with the port.

Originally Posted by [Twixx]
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You don't have a gamemode specified under gamemode0, neither any filterscripts. It needs to look like this:

gamemode grandlarc
filterscripts time admin

etc, etc. Depending on what gamemode you have and what filterscripts.
He does. He used "blahblah" or "None" because he didn't want us to show the name of rcon_password, hostname, gamemode0, filterscripts, weburl, mapname..

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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If the server is running and others cannot connect through your IP, then there's problem with the port.

He does. He used "blahblah" or "None" because he didn't want us to show the name of rcon_password, hostname, gamemode0, filterscripts, weburl, mapname..
What makes you think that? Lol, maybe he just didn't care what the gamemode, mapname etc is so he just put blahblah >.>

Guys relax yes im using my own filterscript and gamemode so yes your right konstantinos

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