I need your help

I have a problem

please watch it >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi6qo...ature=*********

I want to know. How to fix it ?

please help me. Thank!

Do you have any CreateExplosion code for when the vehicle reaches a certain HP?

No,I haven't CreateExplosion in my gamemode.

I have no idea this problem. Please help me.

I have same problem like you.
Who know how to fix this problem pls help us.

At 0:41 in the video that guy threw a grenade at your car. You can see it.

Yeh! I can see it.
but this problem i think
When players go away form that place and when they die vehicles is not show like they see form first time
,but i don't know how to fix it because i have same problem like him and i can't fix it. 555

My problem same like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixcGRRoNgrA#normal

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