Modding question

Hello gentlemen,got a few question as i've been asked to mod for a friend server.

1. SAMP added stripped houses,i wanted to know if there was any ways to actually do the same yourself,taking an actual world house and removing the doors/windows. i know there's ways to add a custom made item into SAMP but could i use that way ( ex ; using Gmax ) to remove windows/door or even parts of the house and rebuild the collision so that it can be enterable ?

ex ;

2. I've seen houses ( look at the example ) where the walls looked perfecly modded. so much that i don't understand how he could place a damn wall there without making it go through the roof,i've tried with the smaller wall but that black line up the wall isn't placed the same. Could someone enlight me please ?

ex ;

Thanks for the help,if anyone has any tutorial for those stripped houses,it'll be greatly appreciated,i want my server to be full of those,i don't much like DD's haha.

p.s ; Any modding tip are welcome and well received !

I can try to modify it for you, and add some well placed interior to it too..

EDIT: I've notice you were talking about in RemovePlayerBuilding or any other way? You could try that and rebuilding the house step by step.. or just stick by stripping it down like the other houses made from SAMP and do it from there..

Well, the roof may be actually made from walls too, together with the ObjectMaterial thingy..

About the doors and windows, i'm not sure but i think you can't remove them, they're like one object - the whole house. However, you can find some glass and doors in the objects.

You can't modify Rockstar Games Objects (Or delete windows)
Those windows are made for sa-mp house objects!

Originally Posted by Alex Magaсa
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You can't modify Rockstar Games Objects (Or delete windows)
Those windows are made for sa-mp house objects!
You can modify Rockstar Games objects, there's an simple way of doing that.

Would you mind to enlight me on that "simple way" ?

Originally Posted by majortnt99
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Would you mind to enlight me on that "simple way" ?
Well modelling takes time, depending on what you are trying to make, and how detailed you want it to be, if you like, I'd show you how it could be done, just add me from skype and I'll be able to help you from there.

Bumping with another question ; I managed to strip down the houses i wanted with 3DS but here's the thing ! I want the doors i remove to actually be enterable. Is there ANY way i can remove the kind of "collision" in this door so that when i walk through it, i don't get stopped by an invisible wall.

p.s ; The whole point of this is to make a custom mapped server that is DD-free..i hate those shits. Gates ftw.


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