11.10.2013, 17:55
Последний раз редактировалось Anak; 22.06.2014 в 12:03.
1v1/Dm Script v4.2.0

Don't sell it under your name!
This is free!

Don't sell it under your name!
This is free!
Note: This gm is created from scratch.
Some ideas/features have been taken from Crazybob's cops and robbers.
This gm was created by me in late 2012. I consist of 12k lines. Now i want to release it here because i don't play sa-mp anymore.. due to my studies in computer sciences.. I always got average 30-50 players on it... hope you will enjoy it...
Contents of this gm are following:
Use /cmds and /acmds for game commands.
Images for 1v1/dm server script v4.2.0 are following:

more images are here!
1. Download gamemode files from here.
2. Download SA:MP server pack from here.
3. Copy/replace sa-mp server files to my gamemode files.
4. Open config and edit your settings, for this script i recommend you following settings
5. Host your server.
User data is saved in following format:
SA:MP server package - Download
Script Package - Download
Password for .rar:
Password is "www.sa-mp.com" for .rar files
Mirrors from users:
Mirror by Cutt3r
Don't hit reply button twice
Some ideas/features have been taken from Crazybob's cops and robbers.
This gm was created by me in late 2012. I consist of 12k lines. Now i want to release it here because i don't play sa-mp anymore.. due to my studies in computer sciences.. I always got average 30-50 players on it... hope you will enjoy it...
Contents of this gm are following:
- filterscripts
- R_Speedov2.amx
- project.pwn
- project.amx
- irc.pawn
- irc.amx
- gamemodes
- 1v1.pwn
- 1v1.amx
- pawno
- includes
- plugins
- Whirlpool
- Streamer
- sscanf
- nativechecker
- irc
- scriptfiles
- vehicles
- custom admin system
- users
- config
- config.cfg
- server.cfg
Use /cmds and /acmds for game commands.
- Drugs and pills
There is a drug system when you take drugs your health will refill slowly. - Dm Tournaments
There are dm tournaments which starts randomly. Winners get random prizes. - Admin Vehicles
There are admin vehicles which only admin can drive. - Custom Admin System
I have used custom admin system made by me, i will soon release it as "Aadmin System" - Teleports
There are teleports to many locations. - Commands
I have added many commands nearly 60 all are very useful. use /cmds and /acmds (for admin cmds). - Group System
I have added a group system. /groups /grc /gri - Textdraws
There are much textdraws you can see yourself ... on screen random messages etc.. - Vip System
There is a vip system along with admin system. - Time/Week System
There is time week system in 24/7 format. - Object editor
ingame object editor is also scripted in game mode for admins. - Challenge system
There is a challenge system you can /challenge a player. - Bonus players
Server select bonus players.. by killing them you get rewards. - Weapons Dialog
You can select weapons upon spawn.. - Money Rush System
Mafia drops random $$ bags at random locations.. you have to find it.. - Random gifts by bots
Bots give random gifts.. - Vehicle loading from scriptfiles
- Script uses y_ini and dini
- Hashed passwords
- Irc chat
And much more!
Images for 1v1/dm server script v4.2.0 are following:

more images are here!
1. Download gamemode files from here.
2. Download SA:MP server pack from here.
3. Copy/replace sa-mp server files to my gamemode files.
4. Open config and edit your settings, for this script i recommend you following settings
echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 0 rcon_password mypass maxplayers 50 port 7777 hostname 1v1/Dm Server (0.3x) - v4.2.0 gamemode0 1v1 filterscripts R_Speedov2 project irc announce 0 query 1 chatlogging 0 weburl www.sa-mp.com onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 1000 maxnpc 10 plugins streamer sscanf Whirlpool.dll irc.dll nativechecker logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
User data is saved in following format:
[Players_Data] Password = 6B49D75A41D88D38038FCD462EAF447194DDFCC9502D52B0E7A98FDE5073080D6C216968D353E4EDD8A32996E74572606D425582E6C2FB30F687F771A58EB8E2 AdminLevel = 10 VIPLevel = 3 Money = 40000 Scores = 1011 Kills = 11 Deaths = 2 Adisable = 0 Banned = 0 Savedskin = -1 Last = -1 NoPM = 0 Drugs = 112 Pills = 3
- Credits
- Anak for gamemode and admin system.
- RyDeR' for R_Speedov2
- NoahF, Zacklogan for Irc Script.
- CrazyBob, His team for Ideas + Help.
- P2H - Beta Tester.
- Blacky3 - Beta Tester.
- Evdeo -Beta Tester.
- {my community} -Beta Tester.
- SA-MP for Vehicles file.
A big thanks for owners of those includes which i had used in script.
SA:MP server package - Download
Script Package - Download
Script Package has been download +1500 times. Source Mediafire - 22 Jun, 2014
Password for .rar:
Password is "www.sa-mp.com" for .rar files
Mirrors from users:
Mirror by Cutt3r
Don't hit reply button twice