06.10.2013, 00:42
Последний раз редактировалось SmithyComp; 18.10.2013 в 14:25.

A San Andreas Multiplayer Server Gamemode Created By SmithyComp
San Fierro Team Deathmatch is a gamemode I have been working on for the past eight hours, creating it from scratch. This is my first fully-scripted gamemode that I am releasing to the public so please don't be too harsh in your responses, however - constructive criticism is appreciated. I decided to start working on this during a bored Saturday evening when I decided I wanted to do something with my small knowledge of scripting and help you guys, the community of SA-MP, in hopefully learning new tricks, etc! Feel free to use this gamemode however you like, but please please please keep some sort of credits to the original creator in the gamemode(myself) as it is a way of saying thank you for me dedicating eight hours of my time for you guys!
• SmithyComp (xSaMx) [Concept, Development & Testing]
• Emmet_ [KickBan]
• SA-MP Development Team [SA-MP Engine]
• ZeeX [zcmd]
• Incognito [streamer]
• Dynamic Door System
[Special thanks to iRage as I used the dynamic system from his gamemode, zGaming]
• Teams
[There is 14 different teams, each has it's own weapon load-out]

• Great Admin System
[There is four different administrator ranks, level one administrator being Moderator with limited access]
• Great VIP System
[There is currently four vip ranks, ranging from Daisy to God. You can add as many as you like]
• Team Bases
[Each team has it's own base, there are vehicles spawned here for anyone's use]
[10/06/13] • Implemented chats for;
~ General Staff (/sc)
~ Administrative Staff (/ac)
~ VIP Members (/vc)
• Added 14 teams & bases;
~ The Workers
~ The Pimps
~ The Golfers
~ The Triads
~ The Mechanics
~ The Bikers
~ The Medics
~ S.W.A.T
~ The Hicks
~ The Pilots
~ The Rich
~ The Nang
~ The Chickens
~ The Army
• Fixed typos that make me look stupid. (>.<)
• Released to the members of SA-MP Forums!
SF:TDM v1.0 (General Release) [BETA] (Direct)
SF:TDM v1.0 (General Release) [BETA] (Pastebin)