[FilterScript] Namechange system, By Rose

Hello SAMP, Welcome.
Today i'll be showing you the NameChange system i have here, all you need to do is just add it into your script.
But, this doesn't have a checkpoint set, so you need to set a checkpoint, and put it where ever you like.

In this NameChange system, you must pay for a NameChange
If the player is under the level of 5, he will be paying 10k each level, so if level 4, it will cost 40k
If the player is above level 5, he will be paying 40k each, so if level 10, it will cost 400k

obviously you can change the price, and level that you want, all you need to do is just change the following price and level.

 if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] <= 5)
                namechangeprice = 10000 * PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel];
        else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] >= 6)
            namechangeprice = 40000 * PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel];
And that is all for today, and see you later with new stuff, .

Enojy, Leave a comment, and Rate please.
Also, if you using the script, please put the credits to the owner, and not yourself .


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