Converted script to MYSQL

Hello, I am working on converting my script to MYSQL. But got some troubles. it refuses to connect to mysql.

This is the error I get in the server.log

Function: mysql_connect called with incorrect parameter count.
This is the mysql connect codes

pawn Код:
#define mysql_host "localhost"
#define mysql_user "samp01_db"
#define mysql_password "REMOVED"
#define mysql_database "samp01_db"

mysql_connect(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_database, mysql_password);
First time I ever coded in mysql, any help are appreciated!


which MySQL do you use? BlueG's one? or StrickenKid's because every version of MySQl has got a different parameter

StrickenKid's MySQL Parameter
pawn Код:
mysql_connect(const host[], const user[], const pass[], const db[], MySQL:handle = (MySQL:0), auto_reconnect = 0);
BlueG's MySQL Parameter
pawn Код:
mysql_connect( const host[], const user[], const database[], const password[] )

I used BlueG's

Hmm... Your Parameter is right, did you try checking your include and plugins? check if you got the correct plugin and include.

I will re-download it

Originally Posted by RedWolfX
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I will re-download it
Yes, try that.

From a research, it's never been posted anything related to BlueG's MySQL plugin; however, it's been posted in the past about StrickenKid's MySQL plugin.

Are you really sure that you have the include and plugin by BlueG's MySQL plugin?

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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From a research, it's never been posted anything related to BlueG's MySQL plugin; however, it's been posted in the past about StrickenKid's MySQL plugin.

Are you really sure that you have the include and plugin by BlueG's MySQL plugin?
Yes I am sure :P Was following this tutorial:

And it didnt work. Still same error

Try using g_ConnectionHandle as mysql_connect

pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <a_mysql>

new g_ConnectionHandle;

public OnGameModeInit()
    g_ConnectionHandle = mysql_connect("host", "user", "database", "password");// replace host with host IP, user with database username, database with database name, and password with database password
    return 1;
Might not conflict with that error, but I think it's because you probably missed those " "

Originally Posted by Bit
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Try using g_ConnectionHandle as mysql_connect

pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <a_mysql>

new g_ConnectionHandle;

public OnGameModeInit()
    g_ConnectionHandle = mysql_connect("host", "user", "database", "password");// replace host with host IP, user with database username, database with database name, and password with database password
    return 1;
Might not conflict with that error, but I think it's because you probably missed those " "
Did that, still same.
[16:26:47] Function: mysql_connect called with incorrect parameter count.
Although you said it wouldnt fix it

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