

Show us how you show the dialog

It's not related to your problem - however, it's always good to prevent this.

Originally Posted by SA:MP Wiki
Important Note: If text[] is empty, the server/clients next to the text might crash!
pawn Код:
if(strlen(inputtext) != 0) Create3DTextLabel(inputtext,playercolor,30.0,x,y,z,0);

Konstantinos I'm aware of that, and thanks man, I forgot to add about if theres nothing in it.

Well as you see it's kinda simple because I just wanna test something with it, nothing special/detailed and here's the command.

pawn Код:
    if(gInfo[playerid][isPainted] == 1)
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Spray Tag","Please insert what you'd like to spray on the wall \n {FF0000} (( WARNING : SPRAYING RANDOM BULLSHIT WILL RESULT INTO A PUNISHMENT ))","Spray","Cancel");
        gInfo[playerid][isPainted] = 0;
        // do nothing

dialogid might conflict with other dialogid in your gamemode/filterscript.

Try changing the dialogid to 123 in ShowPlayerDialog and in the check:
pawn Код:
if(dialogid == 123)

I ask for how he show the dialog for check if the id was correct..

I have no dialog which is 1, my dialogs starts with 2000,2001 blabla.

EDIT: There's no issue with showing the dialog and the RESPONSE it's just the 3D text isn't appearing.

Originally Posted by DaniceMcHarley
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I have no dialog which is 1, my dialogs starts with 2000,2001 blabla.

EDIT: There's no issue with showing the dialog and the RESPONSE it's just the 3D text isn't appearing.
Oh, I thought you had a problem with it when I read "my issue is that the inputtext isn't appearing".

I'm not sure, the only problem I could think of is the color; however, the color is for the text so the transparency won't matter.

I thought of that too and I made the color black, but then realized it's not about the transparency, also I adjusted the VW with the player's one, and didn't work too :S

Your parameters for Create3DTextLabel are mixed up:
pawn Код:
Create3DTextLabel(inputtext, playercolor, x, y, z, 30.0, 0, 0);

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