17.09.2013, 16:17
C" On Connect IP Saver
To enhance the security of servers. I thought to create a IP saver system. What this actually do is it save the ips of players when they connect. If any one reports the hacker on your forums. You can copy the ip and paste that ip in sa-mp bans to ban the hacker.
A file named CipLog is located in script files. In which all ips will be stored.
By using my own tutorial
I thought to create something different. Which the server owners would like most.
100 % bug free and Tested.

To enhance the security of servers. I thought to create a IP saver system. What this actually do is it save the ips of players when they connect. If any one reports the hacker on your forums. You can copy the ip and paste that ip in sa-mp bans to ban the hacker.
A file named CipLog is located in script files. In which all ips will be stored.
By using my own tutorial
[Tutorial] How to make suggestion command.
I thought to create something different. Which the server owners would like most.
100 % bug free and Tested.