Player crashing

Hi guys !

I have problem with crashing, but not with server crashing...
I have make a lot of changes on the gamemode since the problem appeared like mysql, maps etc...

The problem is that samp often crashes on players, but not at the same time and same places... Example, maybe sometime you will play 20 minutes without crash, sometimes 10, etc...

Is that server problem or player problem ?

This could be everything. It could be a GameMode problem, a player problem, (does it happen only to you?) an hosting problem... First, you should try the gamemode without new updates and see if the player(s) crash again. If they crash, you should identificate the script that make them crash. Otherwise, it could be a server problem. You should ask them if they've this kind of trouble.

Basically it could be a gamemode but still you need to check if they are getting some errors IG if so yeah.. There could be mapping problems or car part problems which are cousin the problem with client. So basically it could be the server side or some mode side for players...

I had problems with car parts and i think that i fixed this problem so maybe that's causing the crash... Also i have crashdetect plugin which doesn't show anything about that crashes. I will try with old version of the gamemode to test, as FiReAlEx said...

lool yeah it will not show anything because its for servers... BTW just take that crash plugin off.. And drive a round where you last time got crashed.. Then you will see maybe there are some map icons or something what could do a player crash.

try to avoid getting any warnings in ur gamemod (not just leave them because its normally complied)

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