Suggestions for future SA:MP updates





I think they should change the GUI. The current one is old and ugly now.

Nothing is ugly, if it's for you, you can change it as you want. GUI stay's the same, as Kalcor said. I think, he wont change it at 0.4 anyway, so don't even think about suggesting that, because he's gonna ignore it. That's how it works. Sorry to hear that.

Originally Posted by Fitri
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pawn Код:
native CreateColorExplosion(color,Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, type, Float:radius)
please add this, i wanna create a firework !!
Yes! haha! multi colored fire works anyone?!

Disable all default cull zones and add an ability to create new ones.

And add a few vehicle damage scripts! Like if I am in a vehicle and smash another player, it will be able to tell who smashed who and how much damage was lost, also if a players vehicle is touching another

EnablePayNSpray(bool);//If 0, the car will not be repaired and the camera will not move up
EnableModShop(bool);//If 0, the car will not be modded and the camera will not move up, disable modshop gate too.

DisableSafehouseGarages(); this annoying bullshit.
(if you go to pay'n'spray \ modshop \ garage then the camera rises back. that crap is not necessary.yet these cameras have in the garage Doherty and in the garage for burglars (bohville missions))

I like all the ideas, but we should add some more bug fixes, like underwater driving.

While I was driving a car, I saw some hackers that got in my car as passengers and could control the car (as if they were the driver themselves), teleport it, change its color... I think this is a vulnerability in the server, passengers should never be able to control a vehicle, at least if that vehicle has a driver.

Maybe An option to add more objects

Originally Posted by Fitri
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pawn Код:
native CreateColorExplosion(color,Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, type, Float:radius)
please add this, i wanna create a firework !!
Samp isnt MTA, coloured explosions got absolutely nothing to do with GTA, so they pretty sure wont be added. Unless someone adds them as custom particle objects.

Originally Posted by Gryphus One
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While I was driving a car, I saw some hackers that got in my car as passengers and could control the car (as if they were the driver themselves), teleport it, change its color... I think this is a vulnerability in the server, passengers should never be able to control a vehicle, at least if that vehicle has a driver.
THat hack has been around for a while. Jernej_L has code published here to help defend against it (search for it, you'll find it).

Easiest way to find it is find his name, view his profile, click 'statistics' and then 'see all threads started by member'

/reconnect cmd?

hopin for support for gta united 1.2

i know theres a multiplayer client already out for it but its using version e which is outdated, and its lacking a number of features...

would be nice to see one made by the actual SA-MP team like how V1.1 had...

The most important stuff I can think of.

Guns with 0 ammo. EnablePlayerEmptyWeapons();

Hitting G to return the player from driveby shooting back to the vehicle. (Reverse the animation, reseat player)

For mapping...
A 25x25x5 meter concrete block.
A 50x50x5 meter concrete block.
A 100x100x5 meter concrete block.

//Choose your thickness, your start X Y and Ending X Y, and enjoy your flooring.
Function acts like a createobject, but allows to transform the object to the scale. Great for filling in holes when removing objects/buildings. Cleaner than using stock objects.

Vehicle on vehicle surfing. DTF-30 Towing anyone?

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
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THat hack has been around for a while. Jernej_L has code published here to help defend against it (search for it, you'll find it).

Easiest way to find it is find his name, view his profile, click 'statistics' and then 'see all threads started by member'
Do you mean this?

Originally Posted by Gryphus One
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Add an icon, maybe something like , when player typing message/command, like afkicon:


pawn Код:
CreateWater(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z).
Make it possible to search for the host name in the SA:MP server browser.
Efficient anti-cheat & Cleo mods detector.

pawn Код:
SetPlayerAlpha(playerid, float:amount);
GetPlayerAlpha(playerid, float:amount);

SetMousePos(playerid, x,y);
GetMousePos(playerid, x,y);

CancelSpecifiedKey(playerid, key); //With playerid parameter is to player but without playerid is for all players
CancelAllKeys(); //Except movement keys (W,S,A,D)

TextDrawUseCustomFont(textdrawid, custom font folder); //Almacenate in scriptfiles
Add more keys to detected (would need the sync of the keys, example is the player press D not detect that he pressed left arrow) and remove the useless code (F1 Dialog and others), add more options for "settings" (in the launcher: audiostream, fpslimit, etc). Increase the limits server (vehicles, dialogs, textdraws). Add the dialog with username parameter (like DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD with username)

Originally Posted by Malganys
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pawn Код:
SetPlayerAlpha(playerid, float:amount);
GetPlayerAlpha(playerid, float:amount);
Player Alpha? And what is this?

SA-MP Client Install suggestion: Do not replace the custom.img and custom.ide during installation!

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