Need help with mapping

Is there a way to move 35 objects at once from LS to LV, i tried with samp map constructor, but i cant.Can you recommend me a program for that or something...

it would not be possible... You cant sellect more objects then one...

I think MTA Map Editor would be much faster for that but still you would had to move them 1 by 1 then place them correctly which would require similar effort.

I thought maybe you can create a pawn system to, let's say, change the coordinates of every object and generate a code for it. But that is way too difficult to be done.
But you only have 35 objects, so you have to move them one by one.

Oh yeah that's possible

Those will be really helpful to achieve it.

Good luck

There is a way but it isn't exactly easy. I'll quickly run through it.

First you're gonna want to convert the pawn code of the objects into MTA code. You can do this at Then, copy the converted code into Notepad++ and hit CTRL+F. A box should open, click on the Replace tab. In the "Find what" text box insert posY=" (increasing the Y co-ordinate will move the objects North). In the "Replace with" text box insert something like posY="10 then click the Replace All button. This will simply add the digits 10 in front of the already existing Y co-ordinate digits. All the objects will move North by 100,000 SA:MP feet (because the original posY would've been 4 digits, so adding 2 digits in front moves it into the hundred thousands I think).

You could do with measuring the distance you want to move them all by beforehand, by simply going to the area you want to move the objects to and doing /save, then working out the distance by taking away the objects original Y position from the one you just got.

Also, if all the objects you want to move have the same first digit in the Y position for example they're all 3251.4000244141 then you could replace posY="32 with posY="52 or something. That way you're only moving the objects North by 2000 SA:MP feet.

I know this is a bit difficult if you want to move objects to specific X, Y and Z locations but this method works well enough for just shifting a load of objects in one direction all at once. At least it's faster than doing it one by one.

No way, they are 135, i will do that 1-2 hours, pff i am not gonna move them.....

Expanding to what ****** said: Why not just get the ONE of the coordinates of the new place, and then you can move 1 object that's in one city to that coordinate, find out how much you had to add onto it or minus off of it and then add onto and minus off the rest of the objects that you want to move, it won't be a fast option, but at the end of the day (or the week), you'll have it perfectly.

This is actually very simple:
pawn Код:
stock CreateMovedObject(id, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz)
    CreateDynamicObject(id, x+1337, y+1337, z, rx, ry, rz);
Calculate where you want the new map and replace CreateObject/CreateDynamicObject with CreateMovedObject. I used this to move a map with 400 objects from one location to another.

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