adminonly class

is there a way to make it so one of class can only be used if the persons name is thekillaer bears4life and lilsk8r

and if the person isnt named any of those it says This Class Is restricted For admins only in COLOR_RED

the class is

AddPlayerClass(124,414.4904,2534.1506,19.1484,168.6712,22,1000,46,0,29,1000); //

		case 6:

				GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Admin Only", 500, 3);


Well, you could either check if the player's name is thekillaer, bears4life or lilsk8r, but than everyone could use the class. Why not check if the player is an real admin(rcon) with
pawn Код:
  //if player is admin
} else {
  //if player is NOT an admin

You can then only select those classes when you logged in via /rcon login <rcon_password>

I don't really know where you'd add that into your script, the "case 6:" kinda confuses me.

Should Solve Your Questions and shit:

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