Useful Functions

Originally Posted by Djole1337
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pawn Код:
Originally Posted by Djole1337
Can be made more general like this.
ah i made a very terrible function to do that lol, thanks for it!

This is for all old strtok uses.

I build this function (strtok) from the beginning and i could optimize it by more than one and a half the original function:

PHP код:
stock strtok(str[], &index, array[20] = ' 'dilimiter[2] = ' ') {
format(array, 20str);
strdel(array, 0index);
pos strfind(array, dilimiterfalse);
pos == -1) array[index] = EOS;
    else {
pos] = EOS;
index += pos;
    return array;

In addition there's the option to insert the result into an array and not just return it.

Speed results:

< speed > Ron's strtok: 1100
< speed > Original strtok: 1791

Few ms of difference, almost everyone use sscanf instead.

Originally Posted by TheArcher
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Few ms of difference, almost everyone use sscanf instead.
This is for the people that not use sscanf...

Originally Posted by TheArcher
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Few ms of difference, almost everyone use sscanf instead.
dunno but some people stick to no plugin version gamemodes/scripts :/

Thought I'd share even though I wouldn't put my hand in fire that it couldn't be made simpler.
stock IsRPName(name[])
	new upos=strfind(name, "_");
	if(isnull(name)) return false;
	if(strlen(name)-2<upos<2) return false;
	for(new i = 0; i < 24; i++)
		if(!name[i]) break;
		if(!i && 65 > name[i] > 90) return false;
		if(name[i] == 95 && i!=upos) return false;
		if(upos && i-upos == 1)
			if(65 > name[i] > 90) return false;
		if(65 <= name[i] <= 90)
			if(!(!i || i==upos+1 || (i==2 && upos>5) || (i==upos+3 && strlen(name)-upos>5))) return false;
		if(97 > name[i] > 122) return false;
	if(upos==-1) return false;
	if(strlen(name)-upos<3) return false;
	return true;

This function checks if two line segments intersect.
pawn Код:

Float:x1 - The X start point of the first line segment.
Float:y1 - The Y start point of the first line segment.
Float:x2 - The X end point of the first line segment.
Float:y2 - The Y end point of the first line segment.
Float:x3 - The X start point of the second line segment.
Float:y3 - The Y start point of the second line segment.
Float:x4 - The X end point of the second line segment.
Float:y4 - The Y end point of the second line segment.
Float:x - A float to store the X intersection point in, passed by reference.
Float:y - A float to store the Y intersection point in, passed by reference.

0 - line segments do not intersect
1 - line segments intersect

stock SegmentsIntersect(Float:x1, Float:y1, Float:x2, Float:y2, Float:x3, Float:y3, Float:x4, Float:y4, &Float:x, &Float:y)
        Float:xA = x2 - x1,
        Float:yA = y2 - y1,
        Float:xB = x4 - x3,
        Float:yB = y4 - y3,
        Float:d  = xA * yB - yA * xB;
    if (!d)
        // Lines are parallel, or one or both segments are zero-length
        return 0;
        Float:xC = x3 - x1,
        Float:yC = y3 - y1,
        Float:pA = (xC * yB - yC * xB) / d,
        Float:pB = (xC * yA - yC * xA) / d;
    if (pA < 0 || pA > 1 || pB < 0 || pB > 1)
        return 0;
    // Compute the intersection point
    x = x1 + pA * xA
    y = y1 + pA * yA
    return 1;

Stylock are you able to make a 3D version of that function?

It will be very useful, seeing as this is a 3D game.

Originally Posted by EviLpRo
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This is for the people that not use sscanf...
You shouldn't enable people to use bad scripting methods.

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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You shouldn't enable people to use bad scripting methods.
Right, but if they already used this bad methods, why not optimize that?

Originally Posted by ******
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Because then they'll never learn and move on.
It's true, but people that worked already with strtok, in most situation they have to work a lot to change it to sscanf.

Anyway i builded it as a challenge optimize it for me (not for use), i just wanted to see how much hard it to do that.

Originally Posted by fiki574
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For example, using "random(100)" you can get a number ranging from 0-100(max, parameter in random), but with "randomNumber()" you choose how many digits you want your number to have.

pawn Код:
public OnFilterScriptInit()
    printf("random(100): %d", random(100));
    return 1;
Possible outputs:
random(100): 1
random(100): 5
random(100): 57
random(100): 98
And if you set "RND_NUM_DIG" to "3" for my function "randomNumber()":
pawn Код:
public OnFilterScriptInit()
    printf("Random number: %d", randomNumber());
    return 1;
Possible outputs:
Random number: 123
Random number: 359
Random number: 811
Random number: 925
NOTE: I may have not explained this properly, sorry, im not functioning okay today.
Not true, because with your function may happen that 0 is the first digit.

Originally Posted by fiki574
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pawn Код:
// Code
pawn Код:
Possible outputs:
Random string: aTzuiJKLoFdacVb
Random number: 665
pawn Код:
stock randomString()
    new str[RND_STR_SIZE];
    for(new i = 0; i != RND_STR_SIZE; i++) str[i] = random(2) ? random(26) + 65 : random(26) + 97;
    return str;

Originally Posted by OrMisicL
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pawn Код:
stock randomString()
    new str[RND_STR_SIZE];
    for(new i = 0; i != RND_STR_SIZE; i++) str[i] = random(2) ? random(26) + 65 : random(26) + 97;
    return str;
Where are the letters here?

Originally Posted by fiki574
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Where are the letters here?
it generate letters from its ASCII code, just test it

pawn Код:
decode_doors(src, &bonnet, &boot, &driver_door, &passenger_door)
    new int[1];
    int[0] = src;
    bonnet = int{3};
    boot = int{2};
    driver_door = int{1};
    passenger_door = int{0};
    return 1;

pawn Код:
encode_doors(bonnet, boot, driver_door, passenger_door, behind_driver_door, behind_passenger_door)
    #pragma unused behind_driver_door
    #pragma unused behind_passenger_door
    return bonnet | (boot << 8) | (driver_door << 16) | (passenger_door << 24);
decode_doors(src, &bonnet, &boot, &driver_door, &passenger_door)
    new int[1];
    int[0] = src;
    bonnet = int{3};
    boot = int{2};
    driver_door = int{1};
    passenger_door = int{0};
    return 1;

 new bonnet, boot, driver_door, passenger_door;
 decode_doors(encode_doors(1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0), bonnet, boot, driver_door, passenger_door);
 printf("%d | %d | %d | %d", bonnet, boot, driver_door, passenger_door); // Result: "1 | 2 | 3 | 4"
Any idea how to implement decode_panels?

whoever -repped me
shall be sent to jail for life

[] GetPlayerSex

[] Information:
Character sex verify the server.

[] function:
pawn Код:
native GetPlayerSex(playerid, bool:sex);;
pawn Код:
stock GetPlayerSex(playerid, bool:sex) {
    if(sex==true) { //man
    switch(GetPlayerSkin(playerid)) {
        case 0..8,14..30,32..38,42..52,57..62,66..68,70..73,78..84,86,94..128,132..137,142..144: return true;
        case 146..147,149,153..156,158..168,170..177,179..189,200,202..204,206,208..209,210,212,213,217: return true;
        case 220..223,227..230,234..236,239..242,247..250,252..255,264..297,299,258..262: return true; }
    } else { //woman
    switch(GetPlayerSkin(playerid)) {
        case 9..13,31,39..41,53..56,63..65,69,74..77,85,87..93,129..131,138..141: return true;
        case 145,148,150..152,157,169,172,178,190..199,201,205,207,211,214..216,218,219,224..226,231..233: return true;
        case 237..238,243..246,251,256,257,263,298: return true; }
    } return false;
[] example:
pawn Код:
COMMAND:test(playerid, params[]) {
        if(GetPlayerSex(playerid, false)) { //Man
            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "[TEST] You Man");
        else if(GetPlayerSex(playerid, true) { //woman
            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "[TEST] You woman");
        return true;
[] Credits:

Originally Posted by OTACON
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[] GetPlayerSex
Well, guess what! There are only two possibilities (AFAIK) which means you can, for example, check for male and just return false for the others (to improve the function).

[] GetPlayerSex v2

[] Information:
Character sex verify the server.

[] function:
pawn Код:
native GetPlayerSex(playerid);
pawn Код:
stock GetPlayerSex(playerid) {
    switch(GetPlayerSkin(playerid)) { //man
        case 0..8,14..30,32..38,42..52,57..62,66..68,70..73,78..84,86,94..128,132..137,142..144: return true;
        case 146..147,149,153..156,158..168,170..177,179..189,200,202..204,206,208..209,210,212,213,217: return true;
        case 220..223,227..230,234..236,239..242,247..250,252..255,264..297,299,258..262: return true;
    } return false;
[] example:
pawn Код:
COMMAND:test(playerid, params[]) {
    if(GetPlayerSex(playerid)) { //Man
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "[TEST] You Man");
    } else { //woman
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "[TEST] You woman");
    } return true;
[] Credits:
RyDeR (suggestion)
__________________________________________________ ______________

[] GetPlayerSkinColour

[] Information:
Check the Character Skin color on the Server.

[] Function:
pawn Код:
native GetPlayerSkinColour(playerid);
pawn Код:
stock GetPlayerSkinColour(playerid) {
    switch(!GetPlayerSkin(playerid)) { //black
        case 0,4..22,24,25,28,30,35,36,40,46..48,50,51,54,55,58,63..67,69,74,76,78..80,83,84,86: return true;
        case 91,98,102..107,131,134,136,139,140,142..146,149..150,156,163,166,168,176,180,182,183: return true;
        case 185,187,190,193,195,207,211,214,215,218..223,230,233,238,239,243..245,249,253,256,260: return true;
        case 262,263,265,267,269,270,271,274,275,278,279,284,293,296..298: return true;
    } return false;
[] example::
pawn Код:
COMMAND:test(playerid, params[]) {
    if(GetPlayerSkinColour(playerid)) { //white
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You white");
    } else { //black
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You black");
    } return true;
[] Creditos:

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