Rangebans in pawn


I've made an SQLite ban system that stores banned IP's in the database instead of samp.ban file (which works)
However, I were wondering if its possible to an IP range into the database, and then have pawn check whether that range matches with a player etc
Not sure if this is possible, Any help would be appreciated


I probably read your question wrong but you can ban ranges in SA-MP

Say the IP is:

Add to the ban list:
82.42.*.* [DATE | 19:52:06] NAME - RANGE BAN
Or for the whole 82 range:
 82.*.*.* [DATE | 19:52:06] NAME - RANGE BAN

No, I have an SQL database that banned IP's are stored in (replaces samp.ban file)
And when a player joins it checks whether their IP is in the database..

What I'm asking is whether its possible to use the database for rangebans (I know how to put the subnet in the database)
What I dont know is how to use pawn to check whether a connecting players range matches one in the database

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