[Include] [alpha] Objects Physics - Handle objects collisions and more.

Objects Physics

This include handles via script collisions and other physics of the objects.
Open physics.inc to view the list of functions.

modelsizes.inc by ******
foreach.inc by ******
ColAndreas by Pottus


Examples: Changelogs:
Objects Physics 0.1
  • Added support to 3D physics.
  • Some functions edited tu support 3D features.
  • Some improvements and bug fixes.
Objects Physics 0.2
  • PHY_ObjectDelate renamed to PHY_DeleteObject.
  • Wall collisions fixed and improved.
  • Added optional "constant" parameter to PHY_CreateWall, like in PHY_SetObjectZBound.
  • Failed attempt to make a better ball rolling using quaternions. See the internal function PHY_Rall if you want to try to fix it.
Objects Physics 0.2 R2
  • Use of foreach.inc to optimize the script.
  • Added PHY_ApplyRotation (can be used in PHY_OnObjectUpdate to make a manual rotation), PHY_GetObjectSpeed and PHY_GetObjectMoveAngle.
Objects Physics 0.3
  • PHY_MoveObject renamed to PHY_SetObjectVelocity.
  • Added PHY_SetObjectAcceleration and PHY_GetObjectAcceleration.
  • Added PHY_SetObjectAirResistance and PHY_GetObjectAirResistance (similar to friction, but proportional to velocity).
  • Script improvements and optimizations.
Objects Physics 0.4
  • Added ColAndreas support, put #define COLANDREAS before including physics.inc to activate it. Related function: PHY_UseColAndreas(objectid, mode).
  • New callbacks: OnObjectCollideWithZBound(objectid, lowhigh), OnObjectCollideWithSAWorld(objectid, Float:cx, Float:cy, Float:cz).
  • New algorithm for object to object 3D collisions.
  • Added a new demo gamemode (colandreas.pwn), that uses ColAndreas and implements a little dog system.
physics.inc v0.5
  • More realistic rolling of the objects, through calculations made by using quaternions instead of Euler angles. This can be activated by selecting PHY_ROLLING_MODE_ADVANCED in PHY_RollObject.
pawn Code:
PHY_InitObject(objectid, modelid = 0, Float:mass = 1.0, Float:size = FLOAT_NAN, mode = PHY_MODE_3D)
/*Starts using physics for objectid.
modelid - object's modelid, used to get its size with modelsizes include.
mass - object's mass, it is like its weight and is used in collisions.
size - object's sphere radius, taken from modelsizes.inc by default.
mode - PHY_MODE_3D or PHY_MODE_2D.*/


/*Stops using physics for objectid (doesn't destroy it).*/

PHY_SetObjectVelocity(objectid, Float:vx, Float:vy, Float:vz = 0.0)
/*Moves the object with vx, vy, vz velocities.*/

PHY_GetObjectVelocity(objectid, &Float:vx, &Float:vy, &Float:vz)


PHY_SetObjectAcceleration(objectid, Float:ax, Float:ay, Float:az = 0.0)
/*Sets the object's acceleration.*/

PHY_GetObjectAcceleration(objectid, &Float:ax, &Float:ay, &Float:az)

PHY_GetObjectSpeed(objectid, &Float:speed, _3D = 0)

PHY_GetObjectMoveAngle(objectid, &Float:moveangle)

stock PHY_RollObject(objectid, toggle = 1, rollingmode = PHY_ROLLING_MODE_DEFAULT)
/* Starts rolling the object when it moves of toggle = 1 or stops if toggle = 0.
rollingmode = PHY_ROLLING_MODE_DEFAULT (Euler angles) or PHY_ROLLING_MODE_ADVANCED (Quaternions)
When using advanced rolling mode, if you manually use SetObjectRot in your script, it is adviced to
call PHY_RollObject again, in order to recalculate its quaternion angles.*/


PHY_SetObjectFriction(objectid, Float:friction)
/*Applies friction to the object when it moves on the floor (at its lowest Z). If friction is applied, the object gradually slows down.*/


PHY_SetObjectAirResistance(objectid, Float:resistance)
/*Applies air resistance to the object when it moves. The difference between friction and air resistance is that the former works only if the object is on the floor and the letter is also slows down the object proportionally to its velocity.*/


PHY_SetObjectZBound(objectid, Float:low = FLOAT_NAN, Float:high = FLOAT_NAN, Float:constant = 0.0)
/*Limits the object's Z position.
low - The lowest Z that the object can have (you can use FLOAT_NEG_INFINITY). If it is set to NaN it doesn't change.
high - The highest Z that the object can have (you can use FLOAT_INFINITY). If it is set to NaN it doesn't change.
(When you use PHY_InitObject lowest Z is set to the current object's Z and highest Z to FLOAT_INFINITY.
constant - It should be from 0.0 to 1.0. If it is 1.0 the object doesn't lose velocity,
if it is 0.0 the object stops when it bounces. It could be a middle ground.*/

PHY_SetObjectGravity(objectid, Float:gravity)
/*Sets the gravity's acceleration that the object is subjected to.*/


PHY_SetObjectWorld(objectid, world)
/*Object and walls collide only if the are in the same world or one of them is in the world 0 (default).*/

PHY_ToggleObjectPlayerColls(objectid, toggle = 1, Float:constant = 1.0, Float:distoffset = 0.8, Float:zoffsetlow = 1.0, Float:zoffsethigh = 1.0)
/*Toggles object's collisions with players.
- constant - It should be from 0.0 to 1.0. If it is 1.0 the object doesn't lose velocity,
if it is 0.0 the object stops when it bounces. It could be a middle ground.
- distoffset - The distance at which the object collides with the player.
- zoffsetlow/zoffsethigh - The max Z distance (downward/upward) at which the object collides with the player.*/

PHY_ApplyRotation(objectid, Float:speed, Float:moveangle)
/*Function used internally to rotate the objects.*/

PHY_CreateWall(Float:x1, Float:y1, Float:x2, Float:y2, Float:constant = 1.0, Float:low = FLOAT_NEG_INFINITY, Float:high = FLOAT_INFINITY)
/*Creates a collision wall (straight line) from A(x1, y1) to B(x2, y2).
constant should be from 0.0 to 1.0. If it is 1.0 the object doesn't lose velocity,
if it is 0.0 the object stops when it collides.
low is the lowest wall's Z, high is the highest. If they're set to default the wall is like infinitely high. */

PHY_CreateArea(Float:minX, Float:minY, Float:maxX, Float:maxY, Float:constant = 1.0, Float:low = FLOAT_NEG_INFINITY, Float:high = FLOAT_INFINITY)
/*Creates four walls that form an area. Works like IsPlayerInArea.*/


PHY_SetWallWorld(wallid, world)

PHY_CreateCylinder(Float:x, Float:y, Float:size, Float:constant = 1.0, Float:low = FLOAT_NEG_INFINITY, Float:high = FLOAT_INFINITY)
/*Creates a collision cylinder at position x, y.
constant should be from 0.0 to 1.0. If it is 1.0 the object doesn't lose velocity,
if it is 0.0 the object stops when it collides.
low is the lowest cylinder's Z, high is the highest. If they're set to default the cylinder is like infinitely high.*/


PHY_SetCylinderWorld(cylinderid, world)

PHY_SetPlayerWorld(playerid, world)

PHY_UseColAndreas(objectid, mode = 1)
/* Sets ColAndreas mode for the object. Modes: 0 none, 1 collisions + z bounds, 2 collisions only, 3 z bounds only */

/* Callbacks */
forward PHY_OnObjectUpdate(objectid);
forward PHY_OnObjectCollideWithObject(object1, object2);
forward PHY_OnObjectCollideWithZBound(objectid, lowhigh); // low bound = 0, high bound = 1
forward PHY_OnObjectCollideWithSAWorld(objectid, Float:cx, Float:cy, Float:cz); // Only with ColAndreas
forward PHY_OnObjectCollideWithWall(objectid, wallid);
forward PHY_OnObjectCollideWithCylinder(objectid, cylinderid);
forward PHY_OnObjectCollideWithPlayer(objectid, playerid);
ColAndreas support:
ColAndreas plugin by Pottus allows to calculate collisions with every object in San Andreas map and to constantly update the low and high Z bound of the object that uses physics.
If you want to use ColAndreas features (PHY_UseColAndreas and PHY_OnObjectCollideWithSAWorld), put "#define COLANDREAS" before including "physics.inc".

Possible usages:
  • Creating a game played with balls, like pool, soccer, volleyball, tennis, etc.
  • Throwing an object with 3D physics.

Ohooo, really useful, after I've seen the video, I was thinking about the pool. Really good job!

Great work !


I noticed a small bug. In your movie, at 0:31 in the left part of the screen there is a ball colliding with a stationary ball and the second ball starts rotating awkwardly.

EDIT: It looks like there are more balls that are not moving, but rotating.

Sugestion: Make objects collide with players and vehicles.


OMG Awesome Awesome Awesome.

Originally Posted by Dan..
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I noticed a small bug. In your movie, at 0:31 in the left part of the screen there is a ball colliding with a stationary ball and the second ball starts rotating awkwardly.

EDIT: It looks like there are more balls that are not moving, but rotating.

Sugestion: Make objects collide with players and vehicles.
Thanks to all.

However this happens due to an inappropriate rotation system. That should use more complex maths (like matrixes), but I don't know how.

Great work.

Really good work!

great work thanks for the release

Waiting for gravity + optional bouncing when falling on the ground. Very nice job

This really rocks, nice.

Great include, good job !

Very impressive!

Thumbs up, great release

Very good job, I love it! +REP

I'm going haywire! Awesome!

WOW ! This is awesome Good Job!


Version 0.1 released
Added support to 3D physics.
Some functions edited tu support 3D features.
Some improvements and bug fixes.

I created a Github repository and uploaded there the new version of the include and a demo gamemode.

Thanks for the demo gamemode.

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