Textdraws compatibility

Hi all. Today I was doing Windows SA-MP 2.0, and have problems with player textdraws and standart textdraws. On Windows RED (SA-MP 1.0) this problem is not detected, but here I have it.
Problem is - Standart textdraws displayed per player textdraws. For example
- Desktop is PlayerTextdraw
- Explorer - have all Standart textdraw

Explorer with Desktop Image - here showed only text, but all explorer textdraws showed per desktop (without this text)
Explorer without Desktop Image - here showed all explorer, because desktop is hided.

How fix/repair it?

Up, urgent problem

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If don't help, why comment?

Originally Posted by TraniLurese
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If don't help, why comment?
To warn you about breaking the rules

I've read your post and I tried to understand it but I have no idea what your problem is.
You're probably better off at the Russian section of the forums: http://forum.sa-mp.com/forumdisplay.php?f=32
And SA-MP isn't the only community out there that can help you, I've seen some Russian forums dedicated to SA-MP before.. Anyway goodluck

Kind regards,
Mike Peterson

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