19.06.2013, 22:04
OK, I've changed my mind and I want to make the /stats command be prompt with a Dialog box. This is what I have so far but it doesnt work. I know I'm doing it wrong so can someone explain to me how it is done.
new string[500] string = "Stats for %s (ID: %d):", PlayerName(targetid), targetid; strcat(string, "Level: %d | Gender: %s | Age: %d | Origin: %s | Cash: $%s | Bank: $%s | Phone Number: %d | Job: %s (%d)", plevel, gender, age, PlayerInfo[targetid][pOrigin], InsertCommas(wallet), InsertCommas(bank), number, job, joblevel); strcat(string, "Total Hours Online: %d | Warnings: %d | Upgrade Points: %d | Spawn Armor: %d | Experience: %d/%d | Crimes Committed: %d | Times Arrested: %d", hours, warns, upgradepoints, spawnhealth, exp, expamount - PlayerInfo[targetid][pLevelExp], crimes, arrests); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 6000, string,"Close", " ");