[GameMode] [Whirlpool, Streamer, Sscanf] Call of Duty 2 Release [Release]

This is an edit of Rapha3L's TDM script. I started editing his script on 6/17/2013, and I'm now releasing it on 6/19/2013. The script was pretty basic, and I started to edit it. It's been edited heavily, and please note that I'm just a basic scripter. This script will no longer be edited by me, and I will be starting to script another TDM edit.

This gamemode will no longer be edited, and it'll be edited further by Stormchaser206. This gamemode (Current) is still credited to Rapha3L, and DJTunes. His release (if he does) will be credit to him, and me.


Streamer, whirlpool, and sscanf.

Sscanf, zcmd, and YSI\y_ini.
Updated Log

||--- 6/17/2013 Updates ---||                                              
- Added Login & Register System.                                           
- Login & Register System bugged.                                          
||--- 6/18/2013 Updates ---||                                              
- Login & Register System bug was fixed by JJB562                         
- Added Welcome Messages to OnPlayerConnect                                
- Added /help as a command.                                                
- Added /info as a command.                                                
- Added /credits as a command.                                             
- Added /svrinfo as a command.                                             
||--- 6/19/2013 Updates ---||                                              
- Added experience to each kill you get.                                   
- Added an AFK system.                                                     
- Edited the /help command with new commands.                              
- When buying pack2, it takes away 1000$                                   
- When buying frags, it takes away 1000$                       
- When buying a medical kit, it takes away 500$                            
- Players no longer spawn with money. (money earned)                       
- Added a new scripter.                                                    
- Players now earn experience, and it saves as you log out.

Login & Register System
Saves the following:
  • Password
  • Username
  • Cash
  • Kills
  • Deaths
  • Experience Points
  • Admin
AFK System
  • Command: "/afk" - Cause: Freezes your screen, and sets health to 9999.
  • Command: "/back" - Cause: Unfreezes your screen, and sets your health back to what it was.
  • Command: "/afklist" - Cause: Shows all the current AFK players.
Random Message System
This system sends random messages that you must set in the script at the set timer. The following lines are the default random messages:
  • Welcome to Call of Duty 2, scripted by Hollywood (DJTunes)!
  • The release of this script is posted on SA-MP forums.
  • Please be sure to add reputation to DJTunes!
The class system is not well known as we've only tested one time meaning we've only tested one class/skin. What we do know is that you can spawn with the following skins:
  • 18, 19, 17, 23, 29, 45, 78, 97, 101, and 105.
The spawns are random, and should spawn all around one certain area of the map. Vehicles are placed around this certain area.

Weapons System
  • Command: "/heal" - Price: $500 - Effect: Gives you 100 health, and 100 armor.
  • Command: "/pack2" - Price: $1000 - Effect: Gives you weapons with 1000 ammo.*
    *: Weapons: Katana, Silenced 9mm, Combat Shotgun, MP5, Country Rifle.
  • Command: "/nadepack" - Price: $1000 - Effect: Gives you 10 frags.
Place System
This system is hard to explain. By entering one of the following commands, you'll be teleported to one out of the three "places". These places are Parkour, Drift, and not really sure what the last one is. They're all mapped. All of them are mapped, and some have vehicles such as the Drift zone.
  • Command: "/runw" - Description: Sends you to an arena where you can kill anyone that comes there.
  • Command: "/drift" - Description: Sends you to the Big Ear where there are drifting vehicles there to drift with.
  • Command: "/parkour" - Description: Sends you to a custom-mapped place where you can climb, and more!
Death & Kill System
If you kill someone, the following happens:
  • You receive $100.
  • You get an experience point.
If you get killed, the following happens:
  • You lose $50.
Other systems/features:
  • Connect/Leave messages.
  • Music when you connect.
  • Enter/Exit places.
  • Help command containing all of the commands.
  • And more!
All the commands...

Help Command
Effect: Sends a message to the user who executed the command.
-------------------[Help Commands]-------------------
[COD2 Help] Loading all server commands, please stand by...
[COD2 Map CMDs] /runw, /drift, /parkour
[COD2 General CMDs] /help, /info, /credits, /svrinfo
[COD2 General CMDs] /kill, /afk, /back, /afklist
-------------------[Help Commands]-------------------

  • Rapha3L
  • DJTunes
  • JJB562
  • Rapha3L


Mediafire (Complete Folder) = http://www.mediafire.com/?lea3ngd0dago6m3
Pastebin (PWN only) = http://pastebin.com/yfby4UgN

Well, this is great for a new scripter. 8/10 for now. I have pretty good scripting knowledge, so when I release them it should be good. (You'll know what I'm talking about if you read the whole thing)

Originally Posted by stormchaser206
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Well, this is great for a new scripter. 8/10 for now. I have pretty good scripting knowledge, so when I release them it should be good. (You'll know what I'm talking about if you read the whole thing)
Thank you for the reply, and we can all trust you to make a great script from this.

This is very simple, looks like a collection added in one.

Nice work anyway, would be better if you add ranks/more dynamic saving system, etc..

Originally Posted by HyDrAtIc
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This is very simple, looks like a collection added in one.

Nice work anyway, would be better if you add ranks/more dynamic saving system, etc..
Yes, I tried searching how to do that, and asking around SA-MP but it seemed just to hard at the moment. I will be researching more about what you've said.. Stormchaser206 on the other hand will add all of that as he's a great scripter. Thank you for commenting. I also plan on making my own script from scratch that has a lot of this stuff, and way more.

what are the admin cmds? :S

Originally Posted by [UG]Daniel
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what are the admin cmds? :S
Like other professional scripters (one that I know of), they keep their TDM/DM scripts organized. I know that it's stupid of me to say that, but I wanted to keep this edit good, and related all about TDM which the script turned out to be more like DM... I plan on making a new script that actually advances in all of this.

Stormchaser206, the next editor of this script, will advance in admin commands, teams, capture zones, and all of that.

Pretty nice for a new scripter.

Originally Posted by iHaze.
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Pretty nice for a new scripter.
Thank you very much.

A few things I know of that I'm adding in version Alpha 1.0.1 (this coming version):
- Achievements
- Teams
- More mapping
- And probably some other things.

This might help you:-



Should help you, if you need support, feel free to contact me.

Originally Posted by HyDrAtIc
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This might help you:-



Should help you, if you need support, feel free to contact me.

This does NOT use Whirlpool hashing, it uses udb_hash. (a number hash)

Might want to clarify that.

Noted, thanks for the comment

Pretty basic script...Gooj job on that

Originally Posted by Excel™
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Pretty basic script...Gooj job on that
Thanks, I will make it more advanced.

Indeed. Thanks for the comment!

Good job.

Originally Posted by Kevin FOx
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Good job.
Thank you very much.

Good script

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