26.03.2009, 14:44
This is an old Gamemode I made a long time ago I only gave it to one person for his clan. So I decided to release the script.
Some Commands
/Switch [0-2], Switch among Teams
/Cv [0-10] or just /Cv to show the Menu, Create a vehicle
/Spec [Playerid], Spectate a player
/Specoff, Stop Spactating
/Sub, Set you as Substitute.
/Play, Set you as Titular.
/Sync, Sync the player.
/Kill, Suicide.");
/Help, for more info
/Rules, Read this before playing in the server!!!
(ADMIN) /SetName [0-2] [Name],Change Team's Name.
(ADMIN) /SetSkin [0-2] [SkinID], Change Team's Skin.;
(ADMIN) /StartBase [id], Start a Base.");
(ADMIN) /StartArena [id], Start an Arena.");
(ADMIN) /Swap, Swap teams as ATTACKERS or DEFENDERS.
(ADMIN) /StartTime [5-20], Define Amount of Time to Initiate a Round in Seconds.
(ADMIN) /RoundTime [1-60], Define the Duration of a Round in Minutes.
(ADMIN) /CPTime [10-60], Define Amount of Time to Capture the CheckPoint.
(ADMIN) /Bring [playerID] , Bring a player to the round.
(ADMIN) /Remove [playerID], Remove a player from the round.
(ADMIN) /switchplayer [playerID] [0-2], Force player to Play for an especific Team
(ADMIN) /Cancel, Cancel a Round.
(ADMIN) /Reset, Reset ScoreBoard.
Have fun.
Mirror 1
Some Commands
/Switch [0-2], Switch among Teams
/Cv [0-10] or just /Cv to show the Menu, Create a vehicle
/Spec [Playerid], Spectate a player
/Specoff, Stop Spactating
/Sub, Set you as Substitute.
/Play, Set you as Titular.
/Sync, Sync the player.
/Kill, Suicide.");
/Help, for more info
/Rules, Read this before playing in the server!!!
(ADMIN) /SetName [0-2] [Name],Change Team's Name.
(ADMIN) /SetSkin [0-2] [SkinID], Change Team's Skin.;
(ADMIN) /StartBase [id], Start a Base.");
(ADMIN) /StartArena [id], Start an Arena.");
(ADMIN) /Swap, Swap teams as ATTACKERS or DEFENDERS.
(ADMIN) /StartTime [5-20], Define Amount of Time to Initiate a Round in Seconds.
(ADMIN) /RoundTime [1-60], Define the Duration of a Round in Minutes.
(ADMIN) /CPTime [10-60], Define Amount of Time to Capture the CheckPoint.
(ADMIN) /Bring [playerID] , Bring a player to the round.
(ADMIN) /Remove [playerID], Remove a player from the round.
(ADMIN) /switchplayer [playerID] [0-2], Force player to Play for an especific Team
(ADMIN) /Cancel, Cancel a Round.
(ADMIN) /Reset, Reset ScoreBoard.
Have fun.
Mirror 1