[GameMode] [GM] - A/D Modern Warfare 1.0

This is an old Gamemode I made a long time ago I only gave it to one person for his clan. So I decided to release the script.

Some Commands

/Switch [0-2], Switch among Teams
/Cv [0-10] or just /Cv to show the Menu, Create a vehicle
/Spec [Playerid], Spectate a player
/Specoff, Stop Spactating
/Sub, Set you as Substitute.
/Play, Set you as Titular.
/Sync, Sync the player.
/Kill, Suicide.");
/Help, for more info
/Rules, Read this before playing in the server!!!

(ADMIN) /SetName [0-2] [Name],Change Team's Name.
(ADMIN) /SetSkin [0-2] [SkinID], Change Team's Skin.;
(ADMIN) /StartBase [id], Start a Base.");
(ADMIN) /StartArena [id], Start an Arena.");
(ADMIN) /Swap, Swap teams as ATTACKERS or DEFENDERS.
(ADMIN) /StartTime [5-20], Define Amount of Time to Initiate a Round in Seconds.
(ADMIN) /RoundTime [1-60], Define the Duration of a Round in Minutes.
(ADMIN) /CPTime [10-60], Define Amount of Time to Capture the CheckPoint.
(ADMIN) /Bring [playerID] , Bring a player to the round.
(ADMIN) /Remove [playerID], Remove a player from the round.
(ADMIN) /switchplayer [playerID] [0-2], Force player to Play for an especific Team
(ADMIN) /Cancel, Cancel a Round.
(ADMIN) /Reset, Reset ScoreBoard.

Have fun.

Mirror 1

Sounds nice.. More infromation please?
Ill try it out

Basicaly its a Attack and Defend game mode.

Good work.


Fuckin hel
This script is made by VolkSon not by him.

It was made by me

Originally Posted by [SAK
Vikt0r ]
made for DoA right
Yes the old version.

Originally Posted by Vercetti_
You have to use Rcon admin.
What Command? /rcon ****** *******

How can i set myself admin?

You have to use Rcon admin.

made for DoA right

Originally Posted by Vercetti_
(ADMIN) /SetName [0-2] [Name],Change Team's Name.
(ADMIN) /SetSkin [0-2] [SkinID], Change Team's Skin.;
(ADMIN) /StartBase [id], Start a Base.");
(ADMIN) /StartArena [id], Start an Arena.");
(ADMIN) /Swap, Swap teams as ATTACKERS or DEFENDERS.
(ADMIN) /StartTime [5-20], Define Amount of Time to Initiate a Round in Seconds.
(ADMIN) /RoundTime [1-60], Define the Duration of a Round in Minutes.
(ADMIN) /CPTime [10-60], Define Amount of Time to Capture the CheckPoint.
(ADMIN) /Bring [playerID] , Bring a player to the round.
(ADMIN) /Remove [playerID], Remove a player from the round.
(ADMIN) /switchplayer [playerID] [0-2], Force player to Play for an especific Team
(ADMIN) /Cancel, Cancel a Round.
(ADMIN) /Reset, Reset ScoreBoard.
When you logged into your Rcon you can use these commands. Do /Ahelp in the server also to get this list up

It looks nice from seeing this post. I think I will try this later

You arent volkson! give him neither credits or remove it from here fucking cunt.
btw nice you released my edits within it!


Looks nice.

It is ye but this guy is taking credits for a work he hadnt even done

Then, why you don't prove it?

why... was my reply deleted?

just let me know what you would accepted as a prove and i'll provide.....

for an Admin*
(i have previous versions of the script ,starting from 1.0 (this version he posted here is 1.5 + [MOB]Phoenix edits) and you will see how the script improved....add me in msn)

truth of the matter, i don't care too much about it, if i did i wouldnt have given the pwn file to [DoA]damagez... he gave copies of it to the whole world, and so a "smart croock ass" like this guy would post here to take credit for it....

,,, i just dont like be called a liar, cos i'm defenitely the one who made this mode...

anything else i dont give a fuck....


arena system have bug, crash on start arena

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