Mysql Threaded Question

I have this code, but It doesn't work. I'm trying to still learn these new functions before I convert my gamemode. Anyone tell me if I'm doing something wrong, thanks in advance.

pawn Код:
public BankAccBal(account) {

    new bal, bals[64];

    format(myquery, sizeof(myquery), "SELECT balance FROM saes_bank_accounts WHERE number='%i'", account);
    mysql_function_query(1, myquery, true, "OnBankBal", "d", account);
    return 1;

forward OnBankBal(account);
public OnBankBal(account)
    new rows, fields;
    cache_get_data(rows, fields);
    new temp[64];
    new bal;
    cache_get_field_content(1, "balance", temp);
    bal = strval(temp);
    return bal;

CMD:getbalance(playerid, params[])
    new num, balance;
    if(sscanf(params, "d", num)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "> /getbalance accountnumber");
    balance = BankAccBal(num);
    format(msgstring, sizeof(msgstring), "Bank account %d has %d dollars in it.", num, balance);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, msgstring);
    return 1;
It always says: Bank account numberhere has 1 dollars in it. It always say 1 dollar, so not sure what i'm doing wrong.

cache_get_field_content(1, "balance", temp);

This should be 0 - remember you count starting from 0 up.

You're trying to fetch from a row that was likely never returned, assuming it returned only 1 row.

I tried with 0 as well and it didn't work, hm, I'll try again, thanks.

Hey guys, I tried with the 0 and it still shows up at balance of "1". Is there something else i'm doing wrong?

You can't do something like this with threading. It's just plain impossible. Everything that relies on the result of the query has to be moved into public OnBankBal.

Hm, so you cant use it for other commands like that at all?

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