09.05.2013, 13:13
Последний раз редактировалось R@f; 11.05.2013 в 00:04.
RECS - Raf's External Chat System
ABOUTRECS (Raf's External Chat System) is a filterscript which allows remote connections to your server chat. People can talk to your players from mobile devices or desktop applications !
Main features
- Multiple remote connections.
- Password protection.
- Remote client ip ban system.
Current version is 1.0.0. More features will come in later versions.
This project was developped by Rafael 'R@f' Keramidas <rafael [AT] keramid [DOT] as>.
If you like this project or make a commercial use for it, please donate via paypal at rafael.keramidas [AT] gmail [DOT] com. Of course you don't have to but it would be nice if you do

BlueG : For his Socket Plugin.
Sasuke78200 : Some help with the filterscript and testing.
Yiin : randomString function.

Player commands
- /showremote : Shows a list of all remote clients currently connected.
- /kickremote [ID] : Kick remote client (RCON Admin command).
- /banremote [ID] : Ban remote client (RCON Admin command).
Android : https://play.******.com/store/apps/d...faelk.sampchat.
Desktop (Java) : Coming soon !
Desktop (C#) : http://www.solidfiles.com/d/1ce5194965/ By Sasuke78200 and me. Source is included.
This project is released under the MIT License.
You can get the filterscript on pastebin : http://pastebin.com/V5bmuEg6
- BlueG's Socket Plugin : https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=333934
- Ability to open a TCP port on your firewall (default 9014).
- Add BlueG's plugin to your server.
- Open a TCP port on your firewall (9014 is the default one).
- Change the config (line 41 to 47) like you want.
- Compile.
- Done.
[1.0.0] - 9th May 2013
- First publication.
- Correcting bugs ?
- Add features ?