Open and Edit Offline Players Accounts.

Well , i dont know how to can i open from game a offline player account and modify some stats some player info. If any of you know how please answer in this topic.

For example i did a in game ban command wich sets pBanned to 1 , and i need a way to open offline acc from Ig to create an unban IG command. so i can set pBanned to 0

We need more info,
1) What script are you using,
2) What type of account system does it have (MYSQL, SQL or Files)

Originally Posted by Laurentt
Well , i dont know how to can i open from game a offline player account and modify some stats some player info. If any of you know how please answer in this topic.

For example i did a in game ban command wich sets pBanned to 1 , and i need a way to open offline acc from Ig to create an unban IG command. so i can set pBanned to 0
Your opening the file when they login, just use the same method..

if your computer doesnt have the correct language pack on some GF edits, when you open the account file then save it, does it make the password invalid? if so then you need to install a few language packs

Originally Posted by killar456
if your computer doesnt have the correct language pack on some GF edits, when you open the account file then save it, does it make the password invalid? if so then you need to install a few language packs
No idea where you got this from, this is incorrect. The problems you are talking about are notepad bugs, open them in another text editor, etc wordpad.

you dont get what i try to tell ya .. i'm tryin to create a In game /suspend and /unsuspend Command , so ok suspend its easy cuz player its online but to unsuspend i dont know how to open player acc file and to modify a info from there. get ya?

Originally Posted by JeNkStAX
We need more info,
1) What script are you using,
2) What type of account system does it have (MYSQL, SQL or Files)
just files

Yes.. But there're many types of files.

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