MySQL-r17 - max_connection

Hi guys. After i converted my script to the new mysql version [ From R6 to R17 ] i have some problems with the connections... This new version make my server block cuz the max connections to the mysql database get exced but with R6 not. What can be the problem?

See mysql_log to view the possible error to have too many connections and give some more information, to get a more accurate answer

I don't have errors in the mysql structure. I just get that message in the log with the max_connection ... that value is se to "10".


1- Make sure you are not using persistent connections

2- Close the conenction (mysql_close) at the end of USAGE.

3- Checkout the my.cnf, and set this values:
set-variable = max_connections=500
set-variable = max_connect_errors=5000

and execute "SET GLOBALmax_connections = 500".

4- do flush-hosts

5- Use SQLite!!!!

At the end of each queru or what?

Any revision above 7 isn't made by BlueG and it has most likely been poorly tested/coded. I would not recommend using anything above 7.

Ok then I will try using r7 and done. I think that each query open a connection but the connection don't stop after the query it's done

I had the same problem. Just check if you have enabled cache in "mysql_function_query" function, when you use cache functions.

Ok I think I have some problems at tjat part of.the mysql-insert-id.

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