Vehicle texturing with objects.

I am thinking of this cool idea.. It's using attachobjecttovehicle and then using setobjectmaterial which would make cars different with thousands of possible combinations. Would be cool. I tried searching for objects like windshields and invisible objects but in vain. Anyone got a better way? Cheers

I don't get what you trying to do with invisible objects do you mean translucent ?

Something like that. Attaching them to vehicles over the chassis and then setting their material..

That is not too hard to do, just remember your movement needs to be all commands. I also recommend adding Text support Wingdings/Webdings are amazingly handy for creating decals.

I came out with these transparent objects:


Originally Posted by Tamer
I came out with these transparent objects:
You can make almost any object translucent with SetObjectMaterial()

What he wanted were square or straight objects that could be used on a vehicle and would fit. It also kills 2 birds with a stone,transparent objects and also straight objects.

In fact I want vehicle component parts. So that they can be textured with infinite materials.

Originally Posted by Rajat_Pawar
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In fact I want vehicle component parts. So that they can be textured with infinite materials.
You can't set materials to vehicle components but you can change their color.

Originally Posted by [uL]Pottus
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You can't set materials to vehicle components but you can change their color.
That's a bit obvious, and I know that, I wanted similar component objects that could be set with different materials, I guess not.

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