OnPlayerConnect/Disconnect fs problem

If I add those callbacks inside my filterscript they do not work. I have return 1; in both, gm and fs. What causes this?

Please post your exact script, you must have made a typo

There's nothing to post, all you need to know is above. I have some code in gm under those callbacks as well as in fs. The code which is located in the fs, under any of those callbacks, does not have any effect.

Did you define it as a filterscript?

There's no need to do that, I 've searched about it.

So am I the only one who has ever faced this problem?

You have to #define FILTERSCRIPT (actually remove that comment line in the script)
Or else your filterscript will be considered as a gamemode.

And another possibility:

Wait,Wait,Wait Did you add the filterscript in server.cfg ??
You have type "filterscript [filename]" and dont add the extension of the file.
Suppose the file is abc.amx, in server.cfg it must be "filterscripts abc"

Some help here, I need this for my register system.

It's can be possible to have the filterscript link?

It's not about a specific filterscript. If I use onplayerconncet/disconnect calback in any filterscript, the code inside them has no effect. They do work inside the gamemode though.

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