21.04.2013, 14:53
Last edited by RandomDude; 24/04/2013 at 02:37 PM.
Music System By Randomdude
This is a music system were it streams of Youtube to in-game!
So far there is only one artist as I kept trying to figure out how to fix the fucking dialogs they still wouldn't!
Heard of fun? That's Why!
How to use it?
All you do is type /musiccmds and it will give you some commands to listen to Wiz Khalifa's music! (Yes so far only him with 4-5 Tracks.I'll add more once bugs come out of no were)
Adding More Artists+Music.
Changing It To A Dialog System
I am updating both dialog and non-dialog version!
What we want of you?
What kind of singers/rappers would you want in this? (Suggest us that!)
Any other suggestions!
So far we are getting onto Rick Ross,LiL Wayne,Mic Righteous and Akala.
Download - Pastebin- http://pastebin.com/ri0KLf22
Babul-Helped out with a bit of errors etc..
Nightmare[TR]-For the include
At fucking last the dialogs randomly started to work must have been something in my gamemode Never know
Here is the link for the dialog version - http://pastebin.com/DZ108xqd
LiL Wayne Added
LiL Wayne+Wiz Khalifa-Dialog Version= http://pastebin.com/ut97ELfd
LiL Wayne+Wiz Khalifa-CMD Version= http://pastebin.com/BaTju5mK
Rick Ross Added
LiL Wayne+Wiz Khalifa+Rick Ross-Dialog Version= http://pastebin.com/A0Lv6LiX