Mysql problem (server crashes)

Every single time I open a server, but it only occurs in MYSQL servers so why is it occurring ? the servers opens and says joining... then the log crashes !!

  1. Are you sure it crash and not close?
  2. Are you sure you have connected to database?
if those are correct then
  1. Post server.log if server crash
  2. Post mysql.log if not sure is connected to db

First off, thank you for your reply, but unfortunately I know nothing about mysql databases and I don't know how to connect to it, so of course I am not connected to the database and also it crashes yeah and anyway here is the server log
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[14:29:05] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[14:29:05] Server Plugins
[14:29:05] --------------
[14:29:05]  Loading plugin: sscanf.dll

[14:29:05]  ===============================

[14:29:05]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[14:29:05]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[14:29:05]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[14:29:05]  ===============================

[14:29:05]   Loaded.
[14:29:05]  Loading plugin: mysql.dll

  > MySQL plugin R5 successfully loaded.

[14:29:05]   Loaded.
[14:29:05]  Loaded 2 plugins.

[14:29:05] Filterscripts
[14:29:05] ---------------
[14:29:05]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[14:29:05]  ======================================= 
[14:29:05]  |                                     | 
[14:29:05]  |        YSI version 1.04.0000        | 
[14:29:05]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[14:29:05]  |                                     | 
[14:29:05]  ======================================= 
[14:29:05] ...|| ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE ||... Loaded with version of b2.3
[14:29:05] ----------------------------------

[14:29:05] Number of vehicle models: 0
[14:29:05]  ========================================== 
[14:29:05]  |                                        | 
[14:29:05]  |  A new version (v<!DOCTYPE) of YSI is  | 
[14:29:05]  |            available from:             | 
[14:29:05]  |                                        | 
[14:29:05]  |     | 
[14:29:05]  |                                        | 
[14:29:05]  ========================================== 
[14:29:24] Incoming connection:
[14:29:24] [join] Red_Dragon has joined the server (0:

Doesn't show anything wichout crashdetect plugin (from here ) , could you upload your debug.txt file

* Server will close/crash if has no connection to db

I'd like to see your code. Problem is inside it.


[14:26:36] ---------------------------

[14:26:36] MySQL Debugging activated (04/18/13)

[14:26:36] ---------------------------



[14:29:05] ---------------------------

[14:29:05] MySQL Debugging activated (04/18/13)

[14:29:05] ---------------------------


[14:29:24] >> mysql_real_escape_string( Connection handle: 1 )
This is the debug.txt file and anyway crashdetect plugin doesn't work and I ALREADY installed the microsoft visual package and still gives the error that says that there is a missing MSv(something like that).dll is missing

I managed to connect to the database and now it's all okay and I login, but then this is the server log and it has problems
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[16:49:26] Server Plugins
[16:49:26] --------------
[16:49:26]  Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[16:49:26]   Loaded.
[16:49:26]  Loading plugin: sscanf

[16:49:26]  ===============================

[16:49:26]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[16:49:26]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[16:49:26]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[16:49:26]  ===============================

[16:49:26]   Loaded.
[16:49:26]  Loading plugin: RNPC
[16:49:26] RNPC V0.3 by Mauzen (13.07.2012)
[16:49:26]   Loaded.
[16:49:26]  Loading plugin: mysql

  > MySQL plugin R5 successfully loaded.

[16:49:26]   Loaded.
[16:49:26]  Loading plugin: MapAndreas
[16:49:26]   Loaded.
[16:49:26]  Loaded 5 plugins.

[16:49:26] Filterscripts
[16:49:26] ---------------
[16:49:26]   Loading filterscript 'BunkerZMX.amx'...
[16:49:26]  BunkerZMX Loaded
[16:49:26] --------------------------------------

[16:49:26]   Loading filterscript 'DraParkZMX.amx'...
[16:49:26]  DrakParkZMX Loaded
[16:49:26] --------------------------------------

[16:49:26]   Loading filterscript 'OfficeZMX.amx'...
[16:49:26]  OfficeZMX Loaded
[16:49:26] --------------------------------------

[16:49:26]   Loading filterscript 'PanicZMX.amx'...
[16:49:26]  PanicZMX Loaded
[16:49:26] --------------------------------------

[16:49:26]   Loading filterscript 'ShoppingZMX.amx'...
[16:49:26]  ShoppingZMX Loaded
[16:49:26] --------------------------------------

[16:49:26]   Loading filterscript 'StarsZMX.amx'...
[16:49:26]  StarsZMX Loaded
[16:49:26] --------------------------------------

[16:49:26]   Loading filterscript 'TownZMX.amx'...
[16:49:26]  TownZMX Loaded
[16:49:26] --------------------------------------

[16:49:26]   Loading filterscript 'TrainstaionZMX.amx'...
[16:49:26]  TrainstationZMX Loaded
[16:49:26] --------------------------------------

[16:49:26]   Loaded 8 filterscripts.

[16:49:26]  ======================================= 
[16:49:26]  |                                     | 
[16:49:26]  |        YSI version 1.04.0000        | 
[16:49:26]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[16:49:26]  |                                     | 
[16:49:26]  |  Checking the latest YSI version..  | 
[16:49:26]  |                                     | 
[16:49:26]  ======================================= 
[16:49:26] Pro Gaming Arena [PGA] -  v8.6 Loaded
[16:49:26] ----------------------------------

[16:49:26] Number of vehicle models: 2
[16:49:26]  ========================================== 
[16:49:26]  |                                        | 
[16:49:26]  |  A new version (v<!DOCTYPE) of YSI is  | 
[16:49:26]  |            available from:             | 
[16:49:26]  |                                        | 
[16:49:26]  |     | 
[16:49:26]  |                                        | 
[16:49:26]  ========================================== 
[16:49:52] Incoming connection:
[16:49:52] [join] Dan_Honnington has joined the server (0:
[16:50:06] Dan_Honnington|b97786274fc2662701308223a8cdbdb6071c5f29|500|0|0|0|9|53|0|1|
[16:50:07] loading Map /ZombieMod/Maps/0.ini
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: MapName - Value: ZM_Dra-Park
[16:50:07]   Filterscript 'DraParkZMX.amx' load failed.
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: FSMapName - Value: DraParkZMX
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: HumanSpawnX - Value: -2120.5
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: HumanSpawnY - Value: 1015.2998046875
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: HumanSpawnZ - Value: 96.699996948242
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: ZombieSpawnX - Value: -2026.69921875
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: ZombieSpawnY - Value: 1021.5
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: ZombieSpawnZ - Value: 71.199996948242
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: CPx - Value: -2124.3000488281
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: CPy - Value: 985.79998779297
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: CPz - Value: 95.900001525879
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: AllowWater - Value: 0
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: Interior - Value: 0
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: Weather - Value: 9
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: Time - Value: 24
[16:50:07] Map ID 0's Information Has Been Loaded.
[16:50:07] [Debug] Name: CreatedBy - Value: MTA
[16:51:21] [part] Dan_Honnington has left the server (0:1)
the filterscript doesn't appear as it says FAILED to load and also how can I change the name of the server as the name in the server.cfg isn't like the one that appears when I log

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