mapping problem

i've got a problem.
When im like 50 metre's away from a mapping, it doesnt show up, when i get closer, it shows, but if i go back, it dissapears again.
I cant reach my PC so i cant send sses.

Help please.

Check the following things:
  • The draw distance in your GTA SA advanced settings
  • the stream_distance, or something like that, in your server.cfg
  • the draw distance in the script

thanks, when im home i'll try to check them. If there are more solutions, you can post em :P

didnt work, and somehow it's only on the PD's mapping and a few others near, while they are all the same.

bump, please help

Use an object streamer, and don't go over the object limit.
This occurs when the server's near it's maximum object capacity.

whenever i install Incognito's, all my mappings are gone.

- Put plugin in plugins folder & add to server.cfg
- Edit all CreateObject lines to CreateDynamicObject (Or w/e the syntax for your streamer is)

Thanks! it helped, rep for you ^^

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