Gamemode SDK for C/C++ (GDK)

Is there any vector or any way to access all Player class objects?
I would like to extend Player class and access those objects using the object and not the playerid parameter.

Thank you very much for this awesome project.

Originally Posted by Stewie`
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Is there any vector or any way to access all Player class objects?
I would like to extend Player class and access those objects using the object and not the playerid parameter.
No, there's no such thing built-in but you can store Player's in a container (probably std:et) once they connect and remove them on disconnect. I'd create a separate class for this purpose, roughly something like this:

pawn Код:
class Players {

  static MyPlayer *GetPlayer(int playerid) {
    // Retrieve the existing Player object from players or add a new one.

  // A comparison function for std::set - compares two players using on their IDs.
  static int ComparePlayers(const MyPlayer *p, const MyPlayer *q) {
    return p->GetId() - q->GetId();

  static std::set<MyPlayer*, ComparePlayers> players;
and then use it in SA-MP callbacks to convert player IDs to MyPlayer's:

pawn Код:
bool OnPlayerConnect(int playerid) {
  MyPlayer *player = Players::GetPlayer(playerid);
  // Do stuff with player

As I realized Player class is nothing more than a nice interface, I did something like this:
pawn Код:
class MyPlayer :
    public Player
    explicit MyPlayer(int x) : Player(x) { }

GDK 3.3 is released!
  • Fixed a bug that stopped certain callbacks defined in gamemodes and
    filterscripts from being executed
  • Fixed a crash happening when a native function that is called is not found
  • Changed return type of some of the core API functions (and corresponding Plugin
    methods) to int so they now return an error code when fail and a non-negative
    return value indicates success
  • Renamed some methods of the Player and Vehicles classes
  • Added the FindSampGdk3 module to be used with CMake's find_pacakge() command

Added documentation on CMake and FindSampGdk3 (see "Using CMake" at the bottom of the first post).

What does the 'Plugin does not conform to architecture.' error message mean? What did I leave out?
I am using Visual Studio 2012 on Windows 7 (64bit) and compiled the helloworld gamemode with no errors.
Edit: Btw if this helps, I am linking with #pragma comment(lib, "sampgdk3.lib")

Edit: This is utterly embarassing. To anyone wondering, my error was caused by not downloading the .def file. ._.

It means your plugin doesn't export one of the functions that the SA-MP server expects be exported, such as Supports() or Load(). AFAIK, Unload() is not mandatory, AmxLoad() and AmxUnload() are needed if you return the SUPPORTS_AMX_NATIVES flag in Supports(), and ProcessTick() is required if you return SUPPORTS_PROCESS_TICK.

Originally Posted by fml
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What does the 'Plugin does not conform to architecture.' error message mean? What did I leave out?
Edit: This is utterly embarassing. I thought I didn't even need to read the CMake stuff since I just wanted to create a quick test, but no. I've read that this error is caused by not having a .def file for your project, trying cmake now
You don't have to use CMake.

Hi. I don't know it's an bug or maybe I'm doing something wrong. Further - I've this code:
pawn Code:
extern "C"
    bool __stdcall OnPlayerConnect(int playerid)
        int giveplayerid;
        char join[144];
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Hello.");
        sprintf(join, "%s joined to us. IP: %s", giveplayerid, ReturnIP(giveplayerid));
        SendPlayerMessageToAll(giveplayerid, join);
        return true;
If I'm try to connect, I see this message, but the server immediately shuts down, but only, if I have "sprintf..." in code. I tried change SendPlayerMessageToAll to SendClientMessageToAll - the same problem, server immediately shutting down.

How to fix it?

Originally Posted by Dystans
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Hi. I don't know it's an bug or maybe I'm doing something wrong. Further - I've this code:
pawn Code:
extern "C"
    bool __stdcall OnPlayerConnect(int playerid)
        int giveplayerid;
        char join[144];
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Hello.");
        sprintf(join, "%s joined to us. IP: %s", giveplayerid, ReturnIP(giveplayerid));
        SendPlayerMessageToAll(giveplayerid, join);
        return true;
If I'm try to connect, I see this message, but the server immediately shuts down, but only, if I have "sprintf..." in code. I tried change SendPlayerMessageToAll to SendClientMessageToAll - the same problem, server immediately shutting down.

How to fix it?
pawn Code:
extern "C"
    bool __stdcall OnPlayerConnect(int playerid)
        char join[144], name[24];
                GetPlayerName(playerid, name, 24);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Hello.");
        sprintf(join, "%s joined to us. IP: %s", name, ReturnIP(playerid));
        SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN, join);
        return true;

My issue was another, but thanks.
But now I would like to use the strfind function, that in C++ and GDK don't exists. So... how I can modify this code to work properly?
pawn Code:
int GetVehicleModelIDFromName(char vname[])
    for(int i = 0; i < 211; i++)
        if(strfind(aVehicleNames[i], vname) != -1) // I don't know what I could replace strfind. When I'm tried with string::vname.find - I've an bug - when I wrote "/car infernus", I received Landstalker...
        return i + 400;
    return -1;

pawn Code:
int GetVehicleModelIDFromName(std::string vname)
    for(int i = 0; i < 211; i++)
        if( vname.find( aVehicleNames[i] ) != std::string::npos )
            return i + 400;
    return -1;

Originally Posted by Dystans
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My issue was another, but thanks.
But now I would like to use the strfind function, that in C++ and GDK don't exists. So... how I can modify this code to work properly?
pawn Code:
int GetVehicleModelIDFromName(char vname[])
    for(int i = 0; i < 211; i++)
        if(strfind(aVehicleNames[i], vname) != -1) // I don't know what I could replace strfind. When I'm tried with string::vname.find - I've an bug - when I wrote "/car infernus", I received Landstalker...
        return i + 400;
    return -1;
Originally Posted by iggy1
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pawn Code:
int GetVehicleModelIDFromName(std::string vname)
    for(int i = 0; i < 211; i++)
        if( vname.find( aVehicleNames[i] ) != std::string::npos )
            return i + 400;
    return -1;
if you always know the exact name I recommend you guys the C++ approach :P

pawn Code:
#include <algorithm>
    #include <string>
    #include <map>

    std::map<std::string,unsigned int> Vehicles;
    void InitVehicleNames()
        //for consistency use only lowercase, or uppercase, but not both
        Vehicles["landstalker"] = 400;
        Vehicles["bravura"] = 401;
    unsigned int GetVehicleIdFromName(std::string name)//returns 0 when not found
        //uncomment if you want case-insensetive compare
        //std::string lowername(name);
        //std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), ::tolower);
        if(Vehicles.find(name) != Vehicles.end())
            return Vehicles[name];//change 'name' to 'lowername' for case insensetive compare
        return 0;

Iggy1, your code don't work.
Gamer_Z, thanks, but what I have to do when I want to type "/car inf" and this command spawn the Infernus in the same way as "/car 411" and "/car Infernus"? More specifically, I want to check only part of whole name.

@edit: I don't know what I'm doing bad, but errm... your code didn't work too. I'm create map, as you told me, but when I try to execute this command in OnPlayerCommandText:
pawn Code:
else if(strcmp(cmd, "/car") == 0)
        int carid;

        cmd = strtok(const_cast<char*>(cmdtext), " ");
        #define strtok_special(a,b) cmd = strtok(NULL, " "); if(cmd == 0 || !strlen(cmd)) return a; b = strval(cmd);
        strtok_special(SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "/car [id / name]"), carid);
        if(!strlen(cmd)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ADMIN, "Where is your car name?");

        carid = GetVehicleModelIDFromName(cmd);
        //if(carid < 400 || carid > 611) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ADMIN, "That vehicle name was not found"); // I suggested this code, but it nothing happens even it is commented. I've only message below, but without car name and ID...
        sprintf(string, "Car: %s, ID: %d", aVehicleNames[carid - MIN_VEHI_ID], carid);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, string);
        CreatePlayerVehicle(playerid, carid);
        return true;
nothing spawns.

This works for me. (array copied from a forum post)

Console APP just for speed of testing.
pawn Code:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

char aVehicleNames[212][32] =
    {"Blista Compact"},
    {"Police Maverick"},
    {"HotringRacer A"},
    {"HotringRacer B"},
    {"RC Tiger"},
    {"Trailer 3"},

int GetVehicleModelIDFromName(std::string vname)
    for(int i = 0; i < 211; i++)
        if( vname.find( aVehicleNames[i] ) != std::string::npos )
            return i + 400;
    return -1;

int main()
    std::cout << "Infernus ID == " <<
        GetVehicleModelIDFromName("Infernus") << std::endl;
    return 0;
Obviously using a map is better, but just thought I'd show you the code DOES work.

find() looks for a substring and returns std:tring::npos if not found.

Was thinking it would be a pain in the ass inserting all those values into a map so i wrote this small loop that creates a file called "VehicleMap.txt". It defines an unordered_map that holds vehicle names and ids.

This needs to be used with the above code. It's not optimized because it only needs to be run once.

pawn Code:
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>

int main()
    std::ofstream out("vehiclemap.txt");

    if( out.is_open() )
        out << "std::unordered_map<std::string, int> gVehicleMap;\n\n";

        for(int i = 0; i < 211; i++)
            std::stringstream buffer;
            buffer << "gVehicleMap.insert( std::make_pair<std::string, int>( (std::string)\""
                << aVehicleNames[i] << "\", " << GetVehicleModelIDFromName( aVehicleNames[i] )
                    << ") );" << std::endl;
            out << buffer.str();
    return 0;
Tested and it generates valid code.

Hm... your example works well for me, so... how can I write my code of command to run it normally, without bugs?

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Does anyone use this on a real server?

It depends what you consider a "real server" to be.

Mine uses it and I'm about 20% done in rewriting my whole gamemode into C++ (many segments partially exist in both PAWN code and C++ to not lose functionality).

About players - I don't know if it could be called a real server since it has been 2 years since we last had ~200 players online, currently averaging at about 20.

... But I think this creation is just perfect. I do have some random crashes like once a day or so which crashdetect doesn't show an exact reason for, but seems to be the highest up in the call log so I assume it has something to do with it.

Any idea how to import the "command processor" into C++, example ZCMD?

I think its possible to do with "int asdasd(...)" but I don't know how to call it.

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