05.01.2008, 16:13
Last edited by Fafu; 09/12/2012 at 07:01 AM.
Stunt+Freeroam+Fun 3.8 PL/ENG
You can change everything but leave original author.
I won't continue this map any more! Please don't give me more questions about this map.
Map have:
- about 100 commands with admin commands (all in dcmd) and 25 teleports
- about 500 objects and 250 vehicles
- your own nick color
- working vehicles names
- polish and english language
- streamer xObjects
- auto-save money, score and player language
- anty SpawnKill, CarKill, Drive-by
- anty spam i cmd-spam
- player with 6th wanted level will be teleported to prison (this map isnt dm)
- working TowTruck
- working RC cars and tiger minitank
- ramps
- gangs
- admin chat
- you cant fly with airplane in stuntpark
- player with too high ping will be automaticaly kicked from the server
- player with forbidden weapons will be banned
- when vehicle will burn will be fixed in a while
- Time (in right-up corner) is same on all clients
Players commands is avialable at /help, admin commands is at /acmd
When you will connect first time please login at rcon and type /setpass [passwd] to set junior admin password.
To login as junior admin type /jadmin [passwd].
Have a nice play on my gamemode
Thanks to Luby and homie for transtate.
Some screens:

You can change everything but leave original author.
I won't continue this map any more! Please don't give me more questions about this map.
Map have:
- about 100 commands with admin commands (all in dcmd) and 25 teleports
- about 500 objects and 250 vehicles
- your own nick color
- working vehicles names
- polish and english language
- streamer xObjects
- auto-save money, score and player language
- anty SpawnKill, CarKill, Drive-by
- anty spam i cmd-spam
- player with 6th wanted level will be teleported to prison (this map isnt dm)
- working TowTruck
- working RC cars and tiger minitank
- ramps
- gangs
- admin chat
- you cant fly with airplane in stuntpark
- player with too high ping will be automaticaly kicked from the server
- player with forbidden weapons will be banned
- when vehicle will burn will be fixed in a while
- Time (in right-up corner) is same on all clients
Players commands is avialable at /help, admin commands is at /acmd
When you will connect first time please login at rcon and type /setpass [passwd] to set junior admin password.
To login as junior admin type /jadmin [passwd].
Have a nice play on my gamemode

Thanks to Luby and homie for transtate.
Some screens:
