[GameMode] Attack-Defend (A/D | DM) With .pwn


Creators: [2L]062_ & [2L]Whitetiger
Dev Team: [2L]062_, [2L]Whitetiger, [KHK]Khalid and X.K
Most of Textdraws By: Insanity
Class Selection Textdraw by: Niko_boy

For suggestions and bug reports, visit: https://sixtytiger.com/forum/index.php?board=15.0

Fixes and Updates:
Version 1.8.4

- Player hit sound and get hit sound IDs will show up by double clicking on player name in tab menu (OnPlayerClickPlayer).
- /random arena command fixed.
- Deleted 5 parking bases.

Version 1.8.2:

- You can change the sound when you hit someone or get hit yourself using /sound [hit | gethit] [Sound ID | default] to any available sound IDs: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/SoundID

Version 1.8.1:

- Tiger's anticheat fixed.

Version 1.8:

- You can now ready up by pressing 'Y'.
- You can /voteunpause the round.
- Added /voteadd which will add/readd the player.
- Added stats, /topversus and /topduels which will be shared through all ESL servers (i.e. same on all servers).
- Added /votenetcheck command to disable FPS/Ping/Packetloss check for a player, incase they are getting kicked and is annoying. If they do timeout, the round will still pause.
- Changed /resetscores command to /voters and made /resetscores command for admins only.
- Added /unready command. Also you can ready up by pressing the 'Y' key, i.e. CONVERSATION_YES
- Added /lock, /unlock, /weaponlimit, /teamscore, /createduel, /netcheck for admins.
- Added player VERSUS and Duel stats to 'OnPlayerClickPlayer' i.e. Tab menu.
- Fixed a bug with Checkpoint textdraw showing players not in checkpoint.
- Added average damage to /topversus and /topduels and OnPlayerClickPlayer.
- Added a few Maps from SAMP Forums, command: /map [map id]
- Added /createduel command, and /start [duel] [duel ID]
- All ESL servers are now connected and will share the VERSUS/Duel stats together with accounts (weather/time and etc).
- Fixed OnPlayerTakeDamage showing wrong damage sometimes.
- Fixed /createduel command for weapons.
- Added /view [base | arena | duel] command.
- Converted dini to sqlite, you don't need scriptfiles/attack-defend folder at all.
- Added /base command to create bases, /esl and /tek commands are removed. There will only be the 91 ESL bases everywhere.
- Fixed round time bug.
- Also added an Anti-lag as a DM, command: /antilag

Starting Commands:

/help: Brings help dialog
/cmds: Shows public commands
/acmds: Shows admin commands
/eslcmds: Shows ESL commands

Admin Commands:

/teamskin: Changes team skins (/teamskin [team id] [skin id])
/setteam: Sets player team (/setteam [player id] [team id])
/start: Starts round (/start [base | arena | duel] [round id])
/randomint: Starts a random interior round (/randomint [base | arena])
/goto: Teleport to a player (/goto [player id])
/get: Teleports the player to you (/get [player id])
/kick: Kicks player from the server (/kick [player id])
/ban: Bans player from the server (/ban [player id])
/addall: Adds everyone to the round
/readd: Readds player to the round (/readd [player id])
/remove: Removes player from the round (/remove [player id])
/healall also /hl: Sets everyone's health to 100/full
/armourall also /al: Sets everyone's armour to 100/full
/match: Brings match settings on the screen
/rr: Restarts the current round
/swap: Swaps teams
/balance: Balance teams
/givemenu: Gives player weapon menu (/givemenu [player id])
/mainspawn: Changes main lobby spawn
/end: Ends the current round
/sethp: Sets player health (/sethp [player id])
/setarmour: Sets player armour (/setarmour [player id])
/pause: Pauses the round
/unpause: Unpauses the round
/setlevel: Sets player admin level, up to level 5 (/setlevel [player id])
/move: Moves one player to another (/move [to move player id] [to move to player id])
/allvs: Switches teams so its everyone VS the input (/allvs [team id] [Clan tag/name])
/maxpacket: Sets maximum packetloss limit, above which player will get kicked from the server (/maxpacket [value])
/maxping: Sets maximum ping limit (/maxping [value])
/minfps: Sets minimum FPS limit (/minfps [value])
/ac: Enable/Disable Tiger's anticheat
/teamdmg: Enable/Disable team Name/Hp/Damage textdraw from the screen in rounds
/cc: Clears chat
/setscore: Sets team score (/setscore [team id] [score])
/eslac: Turns on/off Tiger's anticheat from config e.g. if on, restarting the server will not turn it off.
/replace: Replaces a player with another in round with same hp, armour, location and etc. (/replace [player id to add] [player id|name to replace])
/resetallguns: Resets all player weapons in round.
/giveallgun: Gives everyone weapon (/giveallgun [weapon name] [ammo])
/killhim: Kills the player (/killhim [player id])
/roundtime: Sets round time (/roundtime [time in minutes])
/cptime: Sets checkpoint time (/cptime [time in seconds])
/freeze: To freeze a player (/freeze [player id])
/unfreeze: To unfreeze/unpause the player (/unfreeze [player id])
/giveweapon: Gives player weapon (/giveweapon [player id] [weapon name] [ammo])
/tr: Sets total rounds to be played (/tr [value])
/cr: Sets current round (/cr [value])
/setafk: Sets player afk (/setafk [player id])
/war: Enable/Disable/End match mode (/war [end] will end the war with end war results and /war [Team A] [Team B] will start war textdraw for teams A vs B)
/teamname: Sets team names (/teamname [team id] [Name])
/resetscores: Resets scores
/lock: Locks the server (/lock [password])
/weaponlimit: Brings weapon limit dialog to set weapon limits for bases
/unlock: Unlocks the server
/netcheck: Enable/Disable Packetloss/Ping/FPS check on a player so that the player don't get kicked if passed the min and max ping, packetloss and FPS values (/netcheck [player id])
/createduel: Command to create duel, check in server for parameters
/base: Creates bases, check in server for parameters

Public Commands:

/dm: Join a deathmatch zone (/dm [dm id])
/dmq: Quit deathmatch zone
/heal: Sets player health and armour to 100 in deathmatch zone i.e. dm
/changepass: To change your account password (/changepass [new password])
/afk: Sets payer in AFK mode
/back: Removes player from AFK mode
/switch: Switch player team
/gunmenu: Shows weapon menu in round
/rem: Removes player from the round
/showagain: Shows player end round textdraw
/spec: Spectates player (/spec [player id])
/specoff: Disable spectate mode
/kill: Sets player health to 0
/car also /v: Spawns a vehicle
/sync also /s: Synchronizes player (with full stamina)
/getpos: Gets player position
/weather: Sets player weather
/time: Sets player time
/credits: Scripting credits
/admins: Shows online admins
/cchannel: Creates/Joins a chat channel, use '#' to chat (/cchannel [channel id])
/pchannel: Shows everyone in your chat channel
/dance: Sets player in dance mode
/lastplayed: Shows the very last round played
/eslcmds: Shows ESL commands
/acmds: Shows admin commands
/view: View base/arena/duel (/view [base|arena|duel] [round id])
/sound: Change the sound when you hit someone or get hit yourself (/sound [hit | gethit] [Sound ID | default])

ESL Commands:

/ready: Sets player in ready mode
/voters: Votes to reset the scores
/votekick: Votes to kick a player (/votekick [player id])
/maxplayers: Admin command - To change maximum player limit (/maxplayers [value])
/1on1: Admin command - Enable/Disable 1 on 1 mode (Duel system)
/voteunpause: Votes to unpause the round once its paused on player crash/leave
/voteadd: Votes to add/readd a player
/unready: Removes player from ready mode
/topversus: Shows VERSUS stats
/topduels: Shows Duel stats
/votenetcheck: Votes to Enable/Disable FPS, Ping and Packetloss checker on a player (/votenetcheck [player id])



Download Links:

For .zip file click here.

Nice, tried your server as well and thats cool

Whats up with using DINI how old school are you?

nice gamemode

I tried this script its nice. But when i use /start base 1. The base starts and automatically stops without letting me play. Can anyone help me in this one? And yea the 0 vs 0 doesn't change even if there are 2 attackers and 2 defenders. Help me owner?

awsome work bro 10/10

someone please help me?

You might not be using the right configurations in scriptfiles. If you look in config.ini in scriptfiles you will see the line 'RoundTime=8' which means the round will end in 8 mints. Now if you don't have that, it might be that the round time is 0 mints and it ends instantly even if there is 1 v 1 or 2 v 2

No its RoundTime=8 but it stills ends instantly
And when i try to host your gamemode i start the server on the VPS But it closes for some reasons can you help?

is this a dream ?
i cant belive 062_ released his GM
thnks brah i am hosting it from 2 months
and will keep ur credit as it is r hardwrk

Holy crap you released it! didn't see this comming due to the fact that i've played in this very GM for more than ~6 months.
Perfect job +rep.

can u give me .pwn of this version pls "AADeathZone_v3"

Originally Posted by Pranesh
View Post
can u give me .pwn of this version pls "AADeathZone_v3"
AADeathZone it's private .pwn
But you can speak with [TeK]062, good luck =P

nice gj!

Can anyone give me cmds for admin - if it have -


i always loved AAD servers but this , OMG it's a dream GM , EPIC

Great and awesome script, Repped

Nice work +3 reps.

its a nice gm u_u I'll try it.

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