Register/Login System

When registering I want to add a Sex, How old is character, From where is his character(America,Rusia etc.)
And I want that all of that be in /stats.
I didn't make /stats yet but I will work on it.
Can someone help me ?

Here are some pointers:

During your registration process, you will need to present a dialog asking for the sex, age, country and save their preference accordingly. Then you read from that saved information when someone uses your /stats command.

To give you the idea:
pawn Код:
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
                format(file, sizeof(file), "\\users\\%s.ini", name);
                kills=dini_Int(file, "Kills");
                deaths=dini_Int(file, "Deaths");
                money=dini_Int(file, "Money");
                score=dini_Int(file, "Score");
                alv=dini_Int(file, "AdminLevel");
                format(string,sizeof(string), "%s's STATS: [ Kills: %d || Deaths: %d || Ratio: %f || Money: %d || Score: %d || Admin level: %d ]", name, kills, deaths, R, money, score, alv);
                SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x1E90FFFF, string);

Originally Posted by Sithis
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Here are some pointers:

During your registration process, you will need to present a dialog asking for the sex, age, country and save their preference accordingly. Then you read from that saved information when someone uses your /stats command.
Yes, I want to do the dialog.

I already have dialog for password.
I want dialog for sex.
"Write your sex"
Next dialog
"How old your character is?"
"From where your character comes from?"
And answers America etc..

My question is how to do it xd.

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