Using for in Textdraws?

Hey , I'm only asking if it's possible to use the loop for(...) in textdraws ? if yes what is the correct way to do it?

What do you want to do with ? Yes it's surely possible

yea like for example showing the kills of every player in a moment (we surely need the for to get all players no?)

Yes, you can use the for loop and send the TextDraw to all players.

thanks , but I wanna do like this:
pawn Код:
for function
String showing player 1 with his kills ==>back to new line
other string with player 2....
last player
don't think it could be done ,but will find something related to this...

Ah you want to send a different textdrawn to all players at the same time ? It's possible, you can create a public which contains the textdraws and then activate it like that

pawn Код:

Merci ! good idea

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