[GameMode] [GM] Stunt+Freeroam+Fun 3.8 PL/ENG

Stunt+Freeroam+Fun 3.8 PL/ENG

You can change everything but leave original author.
I won't continue this map any more! Please don't give me more questions about this map.

Map have:
- about 100 commands with admin commands (all in dcmd) and 25 teleports
- about 500 objects and 250 vehicles
- your own nick color
- working vehicles names
- polish and english language
- streamer xObjects
- auto-save money, score and player language
- anty SpawnKill, CarKill, Drive-by
- anty spam i cmd-spam
- player with 6th wanted level will be teleported to prison (this map isnt dm)
- working TowTruck
- working RC cars and tiger minitank
- ramps
- gangs
- admin chat
- you cant fly with airplane in stuntpark
- player with too high ping will be automaticaly kicked from the server
- player with forbidden weapons will be banned
- when vehicle will burn will be fixed in a while
- Time (in right-up corner) is same on all clients

Players commands is avialable at /help, admin commands is at /acmd
When you will connect first time please login at rcon and type /setpass [passwd] to set junior admin password.
To login as junior admin type /jadmin [passwd].

Have a nice play on my gamemode

Thanks to Luby and homie for transtate.

Some screens:


Not bad as for beginner, i mean nice gamemode

Kewl... ( i like that tunnel xD) ...

could u put the GM .pwn in www.pastebin.com ? or www.pastebin.ca

mmm 3 errors

: warning 217: loose indentation
: warning 217: loose indentation
: warning 217: loose indentation
: warning 217: loose indentation
: warning 217: loose indentation
: error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small
: warning 217: loose indentation
: warning 217: loose indentation
: error 021: symbol already defined: "strtok"
error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

3 Errors.


I don't have error and warnings... I'll send map once again without errors...

No Errors there for me..

nice GM.

Post this with your first post

MIRROR: http://www.sdm-clan.info/Mirrors/freeroam.rar

C:\Users\HeLKing\Desktop\server\SAMP\pawno\freeroam.pwn(3063) : error 017: undefined symbol "EnableStuntBonusForAll"
C:\Users\HeLKing\Desktop\server\SAMP\pawno\freeroam.pwn(3071) : error 017: undefined symbol "DisableInteriorEnterExits"
C:\Users\HeLKing\Desktop\server\SAMP\pawno\freeroam.pwn(3072) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetNameTagDrawDistance"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

3 Errors.
Can someone help me with this?
BTW, your gamemode is THE BEST!!!!!

Thank you

This functions are built into sa-mp 0.2.2.. Do you using old pawn compiler version or old includes?

what have you done to enter the tram? when i put trams in my GM i can not drive them, only enter as passenger

i read the whole script and dont find it

U need this

public keys() {
new lKeys, Mike1, Mike2;
new Float:px,Float:py,Float:pz;
new Float:cx,Float:cy,Float:cz;

for(new i = 0; i < SLOTS; i++) {
if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) {
for(new j = 0; j < MAX_VEHICLES; j++) {
if(GetVehicleModel(j) == 441 || GetVehicleModel(j) == 449 || GetVehicleModel(j) == 464 || GetVehicleModel(j) == 465
|| GetVehicleModel(j) == 501 || GetVehicleModel(j) == 564 || GetVehicleModel(j) == 594) {
if( floatsqroot( floatpower(px-cx,2.0) + floatpower(py-cy,2.0) + floatpower(pz-cz,2.0)) < 3.0) {
GetPlayerKeys(i, lKeys, Mike1, Mike2);

PutPlayerInVehicle(i, j, 0);
they have all rc vehicles and Your TRAM :P

Originally Posted by Fafu
This functions are built into sa-mp 0.2.2.. Do you using old pawn compiler version or old includes?
Lol it was my version of samp

Thank you

Originally Posted by [TST
Christian ]
what have you done to enter the tram? when i put trams in my GM i can not drive them, only enter as passenger

i read the whole script and dont find it
This is code:
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
	  	for(new j = 0; j < MAX_VEHICLES; j++)
				case 564,501,464,441,449:
 					if(GetDistancePlayerToVehicle(playerid,j) <= 3)
    					PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, j, 0);
  return 1;
IsKeyJustDown(key, newkeys, oldkeys)
	if((newkeys & key) && !(oldkeys & key)) return 1;
	return 0;
Originally Posted by helderpostiga1
Originally Posted by Fafu
This functions are built into sa-mp 0.2.2.. Do you using old pawn compiler version or old includes?
Lol it was my version of samp

Thank you

okay thanks

really funny GM, i tried it with my friends and all of them sayed, that GM is very good.
if you fix some bugs (like skroad and some bad spawns) it will be much better.
btw skroad is best

thank ya very much

Originally Posted by THX
really funny GM, i tried it with my friends and all of them sayed, that GM is very good.
if you fix some bugs (like skroad and some bad spawns) it will be much better.
btw skroad is best

thank ya very much
Hmm all spawns are OK... Tell me which spawns do you think are wrong.

You have to exit the bike to see the objects - SAMP bug

If you see any bug - screen it and post here

PS. I won't continue this map any more

is there any chance you can just have emglish and get rid of the polish choice if someone can do that can you add my msn owens_913@hotmail.com

<3s for teh fafu!

#include <dini>
#include <dudb>

where to find there files?
because :
...\gamemodes\freeroam-ro.pwn(15) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "dini"

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