Problem with function tags

I tried to create my own fopen function..
But anything I do just dont work.
It's always give warning(s) because the function / variables tag.
Here is the function:
pawn Код:
stock file_open(fname[],mode=1)
    if(!isValidFName(fname)) return -1, printf("ERROR: invalid file name (file_open(\"%s\",%d))",fname,mode);
    if(!fexist(fname) && mode != 1 && mode != 4) return -2, printf("ERROR: file not exist (file_open(\"%s\",%d))",fname,mode);
    new filemode:fMod = io_write;
        case 1: fMod = io_write;
        case 2: fMod = io_append;
        case 3: fMod = io_read;
        case 4: fMod = io_readwrite;
    new File:f = fopen(fname,fMod);
    if(!f) return 0;
    return f;
I tried to use "File:" before the function name... still not work.

Thanks for helpers.

You can not return 2 types of variables.

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