20.02.2013, 17:27
Well, i have been on this for a while now, And I can't seem to get it fixed. I'm creating a mailbox system, and this one uses 3d Text labels to display the owner name, now, I made the ability of moving them(by an admin command), Now as there is no way of moving a 3Dtext-label (or is there any?). I just remove the txt label, and recreate it at the position, now ofcourse I have to check the owner name, and thats where it goes wrong, please help me out!
Code :
Enum where Owner is in.
Line where I get the error from :
Code :
Enum where Owner is in.
enum MAIL_BOX{ bool:Owned, Owner[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Messages } new gMAIL_BOX[MAX_MAILBOXES][MAIL_BOX];
new name1[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128]; GetPlayerName(player, name1, sizeof(name1) gMAIL_BOX[boxid][Owner] = name1;
owner[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; owner = gMAIL_BOX[boxid][Owner];