how would i make this Screen Fading enter and exit

Hello i wanted to know if there is a tut on how to make a command CMD:enter but when you enter a house or anything it will Screen Fading black and as soon you get in the building all the Screen Fading will go off does anyone know how to make or any tuts

Oh .. and by the way.. i don't know if you heard or not but there's a new website named ******.. it's pretty cool you should check it out.

Joe Staff's fader
The link is probably broken, PM me if you need it i'll send it to you.

Click me

Originally Posted by Adytza.
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Oh .. and by the way.. i don't know if you heard or not but there's a new website named ******.. it's pretty cool you should check it out.
yep thanks for that i forgot about my friend ******

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