
Well I've seen in the basics includes that there's the function SetVehiclePlate, but is there a function to get the vehicle plate?

Thanks in advance


No, but you can create one..(but you must use SetVehiclePlate first).

Originally Posted by CruncH
No, but you can create one..(but you must use SetVehiclePlate first).
Arf, ok thanks for the answer but the problem is that I'd like to make random plates with numbers & letters, is it possible?

with numbers i don't think so will works

Maximum letters are 8-10

You can use this function to return a random letter:
pawn Код:
stock randomchar()
  new rand; rand = random(26);
  new chr[200];
    case 0: format(chr,200,"%s","A");
    case 1: format(chr,200,"%s","B");
    case 2: format(chr,200,"%s","C");
    case 3: format(chr,200,"%s","D");
    case 4: format(chr,200,"%s","E");
    case 5: format(chr,200,"%s","F");
    case 6: format(chr,200,"%s","G");
    case 7: format(chr,200,"%s","H");
    case 8: format(chr,200,"%s","I");
    case 9: format(chr,200,"%s","J");
    case 10: format(chr,200,"%s","K");
    case 11: format(chr,200,"%s","L");
    case 12: format(chr,200,"%s","M");
    case 13: format(chr,200,"%s","N");
    case 14: format(chr,200,"%s","O");
    case 15: format(chr,200,"%s","P");
    case 16: format(chr,200,"%s","Q");
    case 17: format(chr,200,"%s","R");
    case 18: format(chr,200,"%s","S");
    case 19: format(chr,200,"%s","T");
    case 20: format(chr,200,"%s","U");
    case 21: format(chr,200,"%s","V");
    case 22: format(chr,200,"%s","W");
    case 23: format(chr,200,"%s","X");
    case 24: format(chr,200,"%s","Y");
    case 25: format(chr,200,"%s","Z");
  return chr;

yees possible, only thing you need, a 1 new callback, and an variable for each car (array?) ,
for example:
pawn Код:
#define MAX_PLATE_STRINGLENGTH 11 //real value = 10

#define MAX_USED_CARS 700


forward Setvehicleplate(carid, plate_string[10]);

public Setvehicleplate(carid, plate_string[10])
    Getvehicleplate[carid] = plate_string;
    SetVehicleNumberPlate(carid, plate_string);
    return carid;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    new idx,cmd[256];
  cmd = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
    if(strcmp(cmd, "/getcarplate", true) == 0)
      new platestring[11];
      platestring = Getvehicleplate[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)];
      return 1;
    return 0;

stock strtok(const string[], &index,seperator=' ')
    new length = strlen(string);
    new offset = index;
    new result[256];
    while ((index < length) && (string[index] != seperator) && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
        result[index - offset] = string[index];

    result[index - offset] = EOS;
    if ((index < length) && (string[index] == seperator))
    return result;
it should work, though i havent tested thus debugged it::
NOTE: a public cannot return a string, so if you want to use strings in plate names, this is the only fast way

Originally Posted by Mikep
You can use this function to return a random letter:
pawn Код:
stock randomchar()
  new rand; rand = random(26);
  new chr[200];
    case 0: format(chr,200,"%s","A");
    case 1: format(chr,200,"%s","B");
    case 2: format(chr,200,"%s","C");
    case 3: format(chr,200,"%s","D");
    case 4: format(chr,200,"%s","E");
    case 5: format(chr,200,"%s","F");
    case 6: format(chr,200,"%s","G");
    case 7: format(chr,200,"%s","H");
    case 8: format(chr,200,"%s","I");
    case 9: format(chr,200,"%s","J");
    case 10: format(chr,200,"%s","K");
    case 11: format(chr,200,"%s","L");
    case 12: format(chr,200,"%s","M");
    case 13: format(chr,200,"%s","N");
    case 14: format(chr,200,"%s","O");
    case 15: format(chr,200,"%s","P");
    case 16: format(chr,200,"%s","Q");
    case 17: format(chr,200,"%s","R");
    case 18: format(chr,200,"%s","S");
    case 19: format(chr,200,"%s","T");
    case 20: format(chr,200,"%s","U");
    case 21: format(chr,200,"%s","V");
    case 22: format(chr,200,"%s","W");
    case 23: format(chr,200,"%s","X");
    case 24: format(chr,200,"%s","Y");
    case 25: format(chr,200,"%s","Z");
  return chr;
pawn Код:
    return random(26) + 'A';

pawn Код:
new chr[200];
You need 200 cells to store one single character. Coool.

I didn't make it, blewert did.

Bitch at him!

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