16.12.2012, 06:13
HKTeamDeathmatch is a Team Deathmatch gamemode(It's obvious) and has been developed by me. Stuff has also been taken from other people I have given credit where it is due. This gamemode was developed for fun and is good enough but can be improved. I will continuously keep on updating this gamemode.
So that i don't forget later on.
SA:MP Team - Pawno and SA:MP
ITB Compuphase - PAWN Language
****** - y_ini, Whirlpool and sscanf
Incognito - Streamer Plugin
ZeeX(Only have his github repo URL, as he left the forums) - ZCMD
iPLEOMAX - TextDraw Editor
convertFFS(made by kc) - Converting maps so i can use them with Streamer
Rodrigo_FusioN - DM Arena 3.0 Map
TheYoungCapone - Desert Glory Map
Last but not the least - Me - For the script
Login Screen

Random Screen

Random Screen 2

Random Screen 3


Spec - Can't show cause i tested it alone, and i cannot spec myself..
SolidFiles(Server Package)(Recommended)
Mediafire(Server Package)(Recommended)
Pastebin(PWN Code)(Not Recommended)
HKTeamDeathmatch is a Team Deathmatch gamemode(It's obvious) and has been developed by me. Stuff has also been taken from other people I have given credit where it is due. This gamemode was developed for fun and is good enough but can be improved. I will continuously keep on updating this gamemode.
So that i don't forget later on.
SA:MP Team - Pawno and SA:MP
ITB Compuphase - PAWN Language
****** - y_ini, Whirlpool and sscanf
Incognito - Streamer Plugin
ZeeX(Only have his github repo URL, as he left the forums) - ZCMD
iPLEOMAX - TextDraw Editor
convertFFS(made by kc) - Converting maps so i can use them with Streamer
Rodrigo_FusioN - DM Arena 3.0 Map
TheYoungCapone - Desert Glory Map
Last but not the least - Me - For the script
- y_ini
- Whirlpool
- sscanf
- streamer
- zcmd
- Saving System using Y_ini
- Admin System
- Basic Player Commands
- Anti Team Kill
- Time Left Countdown
- Map Changing
- Kill Counter Textdraw
- Map Name Textdraw
- Player Stats Textdraw
- Ban Textdraw
- Spec Textdraw
Commands | ||||||||||
Player Commands - | /admins | /report | /togpm | /pm | /r | /ask | /back | /commands | /cmds | /credits |
Admin Level 1 Commands - | /duty | /ban | /kick | /gethere | /goto | /mute | /unmute | /getip | /slap | slay |
More Admin level 1 Commands - | /spec | /specoff | /achat | /clearchat | ||||||
Admin Level 2 Commands - | /explode | /announce | ||||||||
Admin Level 3 Commands - | /setmoney | /setscore | /healall | /armourall | ||||||
Admin Level 4 Commands - | /jetpack | |||||||||
Admin Level 5 Commands - | /setlevel | /setteam1kills | /setteam2kills |
Login Screen

Random Screen

Random Screen 2

Random Screen 3


Spec - Can't show cause i tested it alone, and i cannot spec myself..
SolidFiles(Server Package)(Recommended)
Mediafire(Server Package)(Recommended)
Pastebin(PWN Code)(Not Recommended)
Initial Release
If you find one, please tell me